Prom Queen

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"Come on class pick it up!" Snipe shouted at the student of class 1-C. The class was currently racing, well some of them. Most of the students were lightly jogging except for Hitoshi Shinou who was in the first place.

"We are teach!" A girl named Chikuchi Togeike shouted. "Anyways, yes he asked me out to prom." She said to the girls next to her. "Wow, I can't believe he asked you out." the girl next to her said.

 Before they could continue their conversation, someone bumped into both of them. The girls looked to see who it was and scowled. "Hey watch it White!" Chikuchi shouted.

The girl who bumped them turned to them. "I'm...sorry...I didn't...seeeee." The girl is named Carrie White. She was gasping for air. Chikuchi looked at her up and down and saw how she was drenched in sweat. 

"Gross." She scoffed as she wiped off any sweat that might be on her and walked away. "Nice one White." The other girl said as she ran to catch up to Chikuchi. "I'm...sorry." Carrie repeated.

After that Carrie continued the race and came in last. "Alright everyone gather around." Snipe called out. Once all the students gathered he spoke again. "Today was a good day. I'm seeing a lot of improvement. Maybe some more than others." He said looking at Carrie.

"But that's enough for today. Head back to the lockers. class dismissed." Snipe said as he walked away. "Aw, man a shower sounds really good right now." One of the students said. "For sure." Another agreed. 

The students made their way to their respective locker rooms and started to change or take a shower. In the girl's locker room, Carrie had decided to take a shower since she had sweated so much.

Going into her locker she grabs her clothes and sets them to the side. Looking both ways to make sure no one was looking at her. She shyly strips her p.e clothes and quickly wraps a towel around her. Once finished she heads to the farthest shower head available.

Carrie White had blonde, hair blue eyes, an average build, and was fair-skinned. to anyone else they would say she was cute. But sadly she didn't thinks so.

She removes her towel and sets it to the side as she turns the water on and begins to wash her body. The hot water felt soothing on her body. Carrie felt at peace. Until someone spoke to her.

"Hey White, what's that on your leg?" A girl asked.  Carrie's eyes widen as she looked down. She saw blood trickling down her leg. She touched the blood in disbelief. "What's happing? What's happing?!" Carrie shouted.

In a panic, she started to try and wipe the blood away but it just kept Carrie grabbed her towel and quickly wrapped it around her body as she ran out of the showers and into the other girls. "Help me! Help me!" She shouted.

She grabbed the arm of the first girl she saw, Chikuchi. "What are you doing?! What is that?!" The girl shouted as she saw the blood on her arm. "Help me! I'm bleeding!" Carrie shouted as she grabbed Chikuchi's arm again.

"Get off me freak!" Chikuchi shouted as she shoved Carrie off her and onto the ground. "She's on her period!" a girl shouted. "Om my God." Another girl laughed "Ew! Plug it up!" Chikuchi told her. "Yeah, plug it up!" A girl chimed. 

Soon all the girls started chanting. "Plug it up!" Carrie started to freak out as she began to scoot away from them. "I'm sorry." She kept repeating. But it fell on deaf ears as Chikuchi started to record on her phone. The girls then started to throw tampons at her.

"Hey what is going on in her?" Midnight asked as she came in and saw Carrie on the floor. All the girls stopped what they were doing as Midnight pushed through the girls to get to Carrie. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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