Chapter 1

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It has been 3 days since the colossal titan broke wall Maria. It's unfortunate, yet I am thankful for Mikasa the most. Being raised together was such an adventure. Me and our small group of friends always found a way to get into some mischief. Painting the wall of some bully who had nothing better to do than pick on the weak. We were not weak, at least not Mikasa. Those of us who weren't particularly strong, were rather smart. We came up with many ways to pay the bullies back. Often pitting them against one another. Painting terrible things from a bully to another. I remember one quite well. We were 9 years old, me and Mikasa made a drawing. Placed it in plain sight. When the father saw this drawing, he thought nothing of it. However, when he discovered later that day that this very image was spray painted on the back of the house of another bully, he was not very pleased. one. In those times we did not care about consequences. We simply knew that nothing bad would happen. And do bad things ever happen to children? Good question.

Those days are in my past. The days of joy and juvenile behavior. Now that wall Maria has been broken, well, let's just say childish things are better left in the past. We're all old enough now to find our own path. Some want to join the scouts, others would rather jump off a building. However, there are not any buildings around here that guarantee death. At least none we can access easily. So they keep marching forward hoping that their death is not at the teeth of a titan. How tragic that this is our reality.

I've seen Mikasa as nothing more than a close friend. She's been the strong one and always excelled at sports. She protected me from the bullies and even some adults who were a little too drunk and a little too pissed off. Funny, huh, that she is able to protect me, yet I am older. Not by much, yet still older. So we walk this line. Don't be too crazy and don't be too tame. That's where I walk now and looking at Mikasa I can tell she grows tired of walking that line. She stares down the ledge wanting to jump down. Jump down to what? Exactly, I do not know to what. So there she walks and I can see her starting to run. I just don't know to what, or to whom.

She's never been anything more than a friend. Yet, I feel something for her. Something deeper than friendship. A deep bond I would like to explore. If only I had the courage to do so. I wonder what she would think of this. I wonder if these same thoughts populate her mind. I wonder this and many more things. Yet, I say nothing. Yet, I stand here, walking this ledge slowly, starring at her, seeing her wanting to run, or jump. Yet, I say nothing.

We are walking to the shop to get our rations. Ever since the fall, food has been scarce. Food is like gold now. How we could have ever valued gold is beyond me. We are walking to the store. Which is when to our right, in an alley we see someone being mugged for their food. We give each other a glance. I say no, she says yes. I don't argue so we go and help. We run to help this lady.
"Hey, let her go." I say. I have always been the one who'd rather not result to physical action if a more peaceful solution can be found. Mikasa has always been one to jump and save the day. She pulls the man off the lady.

"Let her go!" Speaks Mikasa in a firm, and loud voice. To our surprise no one is being mugged. To our surprise it's one man and one women. He is on top of her and she has her legs spread out. "Saying fuck me harder, harder please." We can both see their naked bodies. His cock going inside of her. It is fully erect and she is enjoying it. It's written on her face. That is when the two turn to us. In unison they both say "Hey, want to join?" The question is asked so soft, firm and it oozes with seduction.

"Sorry, to interrupt." I say "We thought..." And I don't finish my sentence. We walk away. None of us saying a word. I feel so embarrassed, yet something in me tells me to look at Mikasa. I don't know why I simply do. I see her looking at me. I see this lust in her eyes as she bites her bottom lip. I can't see where her hand is but my mind imagines that it is grabbing her body. Feeling every inch and every beautiful feature she must have. It is in that moment when I remember back to a year ago. She was just coming out of the shower. She must have forgotten to lock the door. She was wrapping the towel around her just as I opened the door. I caught a glimpse. As I remember that one moment I can feel something in my pants. I am starring at her and she has taken notice what is going on down there. We both walk into a low hanging beam. We don't hit it very hard but it's enough to bring us, however so slightly, back to reality. But is it enough

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