Familial issues

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Istg, if my brother pens his nasty ass mouth and tries to belittle me or insult me one more time I will drive a steak knife through his fucking throat. I've been dealing with his emotional and mental abuse for too fucking long and I'm sick and tired of it. I have no privacy, I can't lock my door bc hell unlock it and barge into my room. I can't sleep because he will come into my room and rip the covers off of me, force me to get up and make me do his chores. And I can't do shit about it.

Even if I tell my mother about hell go and make a sob story about how I made a mess in the kitchen and how I'm the reason why the house is so messed up. And shell believes his stupid ass sob story and I'm the one who gets in trouble.

He is 23 and has no job, no driver's license, and he's too lazy to get up and cook his own food. I've been dealing w/ him for all of my fking life and I'm sick and tired of his bs. I am so close to committing a crime, and the only thing that's stopping me is the fact I know my mom will mourn his death. Which is total bullshit, He doesn't deserve to have tears shed for him, I would literately care less if he died, I wouldn't be surprised if that incel croaks from his own fucked up health.

And he always blames his problems on his mental health and I can get why he's like this bc of his trashy father. but I can't find myself caring at all, he's had twenty-three years to get help yet he hasn't, he has the means to get help yet he hasn't, he "wants" to get help yet. he. hasn't. He can try and use his mental health to excuse why he's a horrible human being yet I won't believe it. he has a fucking conscious doesn't he? he should know that treating me like how his father treated him is fucked up.

And he's a hypocrite? He's always preaching to his friends on discord how " child abuse is bad, child abusers should die in hell" yet he literally tortures me mentally every.single.day.

I've gathered little evidence of him being a piece of scum, only 5 fucking recordings that have no context. I just need more time to gather trash on this piece of shit. then ill get him kicked out of my fucking house forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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