The Tale of Shadow City

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Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society. I call this story The Tale of Shadow City.

There once was a city called the Legenstones. It was an ordinary city with ordinary people, with one exception.
Abby was a girl like any other, it was a daughter of a mayor, but she was still different in a few things.
She was 13 y.o. and she loved horror movies. She loved being scared but she always had a nightmares. Because of nightmares she can't sleep amd she can't focus on studying, so her mother forbade her to watch horror movies. She was really mad at her and she couldn't stand it, so she started doing things like going to woods at night, walking around her house in the midnight just because she wanted to be scared. She didn't know why or how but feeling scared was calming her down.
When her mother found out, she was really upset and she started locking her in room. But Abby didn't stop. She still wanted to feel the adrenaline. One night while was Abby locked in room, she was thinking about really crazy ideas how to be scared. Abby was awake whole night, till she didn't found way to be scared all the time. She tried seance. She made her own ouija board and planchette.
When midnight came, she started seance. She managed to evoke a spirit, a spirit that helped her take revenge on her mother.
"Is there any spirit."
" *yes* "
"What's your name"
"W  E  R  N"
"Hi Wern, are you dangerous?"
" *yes* "
"GREAT! Wern, I need your help. Could you help me with something really really bad?"
" *yes* "
"Thank you. Ok so this is my plan......."

Wern was a bad spirit, if he hasn't, he wouldn't have helped Abby to take revenge on her mother. But he knew, it was his chance to become a human

She told Wern her plans. She wanted to turn her mother into shadow cause she wanted her to know what it was like to feel something following you as a shadow.
Next day at midnight, Abby connected with Wern and they turned her mom into a shadow. Spirit Wern needed energy for that ritual so he used Abby's and she died. Abby's mother was a mayor of Legenstones so
since she died Wern has turn into a human and he gained control over city formerly called Legenstones and he named it the Wernstones.
Whoever or whatever entered the city was cursed, haunted by the shadows

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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