Hate-love 🖤

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Ohm's Pov ;

I was devastated at that time.... when Nanon rejected me brutally. I didn't had any idea where to go.... but suddenly I remembered that Man.... who used to claim that he was my late father's brother..... who was at London at that time when we got into an huge accident. But I choose ignore that Man because.... I just want to live with my Nanon happily. I still remember that day when he came to claim me.

Flashback ;

Ohm was standing infront of a Cafe waiting for Nanon to come after finishing his college. He was busy on his phone so he didn't noticed that someone was standing infront of him while smiling brightly at him.

"Ohm how are you doing Son" said the old man while patting his shoulders proudly tearing up seeing his big brother's blood grown up into an fine Man.

"Umm sorry....I think you mistaken me with someone else Sir" Ohm said while smiling politely at that Old man who was looking so familiar to him.

"You didn't remembered me Son but I can. You look exactly like your father same facial features who can forget that fierce eyes" Old man said while chuckling lightly remembering about his late brother's face.

"Let me introduce myself I'm your uncle Kiet Chittsawangdee brother of late Mr. Tong Chittsawangdee" said the old man while smiling at Ohm again.

Then he told Ohm everything how he searched for him at every orphanage but found nothing. But due to his health issue he eventually lost his hope to get back his nephew. And one day one of his relative told him about that orphanage where they sent Ohm. After digging more on it he came to know that his nephew already got adopted by a famous wealthy family and now his was standing infront of his nephew.

By hearing all this Ohm felt very weird he didn't know how to react on this situation. He was feeling very happy to know that he was not an orphan but at the same time he didn't want anyone in his life except Nanon.

"Thank you so much uncle for all this but as you can see. I'm fully grown up now and I don't wanna separate from that person whom I love blindly. Hope you understand how I'm feeling and really sorry I'm not coming with you" Ohm said guilty while holding his uncle's hand tightly.

After that he stayed touched with his uncle helping him in his business secretly. That's how he became the most successful business and after rejection he goes to his uncle. And he handed over him his older brother's Tong Chittsawangdee Company to his legal owner because now he became too old to handle on his own.

At first I'm not interested in buisness field but after that day. My whole life completely got changed. At that moment I decided to take my revenge from him. His those harsh words still ringed in my ears and always gave me  encouragement to destroy Nanon. But why I can't able to feel that hatred again. Whenever he stand infront of me my stupid heart always got melted just by looking into his eyes.


Now I'm standing far from them but I can hear there whole conversation. I really hate when someone tries to approach him. Anyone can tell that Lucas was trying to flirt with him. Wait but why I'm feeling like this I hate him it just hate and nothing else. How dare he to touch his nose aarrggh why do I care still care about this shit am I getting insane now.. I hate this feeling.

They both were giggling with each other like they know eachother for decades. Wow but why this all shit affecting me like this. Take a hold on yourself Ohm. Don't forget why you gave him this job. Just sticked on your plan and erase this feeling from your heart.

"Now it's time to take my revenge from him.... let's focus on it" I said while waiting for him to come into my claws.

After a while when he came back I pinned him on door while placing my hands on each sides trapping him completely.

"Answer me Nanon have you enjoyed his company that much that you came late here..... didn't I clear myself before that I hate latecomers" I said while hovering over his face boiling in anger.

"Sorry Sir I will keep this in my mind.....and I will not repeat my mistake again" He said while nervously licking his lips. Making it look more shiny I'm having an urge to suck and bit those plump pink lips.

"Then go to that table and memorize my schedules for this evening got it....now go" I said pointing the table right beside my desk while brushing off my dirty thoughts. I can't trust myself around him so it's better to concentrate on my next step.


"WHAT? What do you mean Sir... that I can't use any elevators during work" Nanon said while looking at Ohm with shocked face who was working on his laptop unaffected.

"So what.... if you have any problems with this....then you can leave " Ohm said while smirking still into his laptop.

"But it's unfair Phi Ohm you are just want to see me suffering right.....you are still holding the past grudges against me" Nanon said frustrated while closing his laptop angrily.

"What the hell.....how dare you Mr. Nanon this is the way a employee should behave with his boss huh ? If you didn't wanna do it so then get out of here" Ohm shouted while abruptly standing up from his chair glaring at Nanon angrily with his fierce eyes.

"Ok then fine....if you also want to see me suffer in my life then bring it on Sir. I'm ready to bear your hatred because I deserves it" Nanon shouted at him while glaring at him back. His eyes got filled with tears.... they both were having an intense eye contact while standing too close that they can actually feel eachother's warm breath hitting their faces.

 they both were having an intense eye contact while standing too close that they can actually feel eachother's warm breath hitting their faces

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"Your time start now.....get ready to witness the real hell Nanon Korapat kirdapan.....now I will show you how it felt to be insulted" Ohm said in deep and husky voice eyes with hatred and anger.

"Bring it on Mr. Ohm Pawat chittsawangdee..... ain't going anywhere but soon you will gonna regret it" Nanon said with full sarcasm while walking away from Ohm who was looking like that he was gonna explode anytime.

"You shouldn't have challenged me....now welcome to my hell darling" Ohm said while clenching his fist and jaws tightly trying to control his temper he punched his desk hardly.


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