Chapter Thirty-four: Day with a Demon

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"Mornin', sleepyhead." Belphegor said cheerily to me when I walked into the kitchen the next morning.

"Oh God, you're still here," I said with a sigh as I opened the fridge, seeing it was completely empty of breakfast foods. "Hey. Where's the food?" I asked, looking at him.

    "Oh. I, uh, made breakfast." Belphegor said, stepping back and showing the plate of pancakes, eggs, sausages, and bacon on the counter.

    "Seriously, Belphegor, we're not feeding an army." I said as I closed the fridge.

    "Well, the Winchesters are over and they basically eat for an entire army, so......" he said with a shrug.

    "Okay, I'll give you that one. Where are they?" I asked as I took a seat on the stool.

    "They're upstairs with your kid. I don't think they really like me." he said with a shrug.

    "Wonder why," said under my breath, dragging a hand down my face and yawning. "Any idea of when I'm going to get my husband back?"

    "I kinda like it here. I might stick around for a few days." he answers and looked around.

    "Oh, no. No, no."

    "Oh, yes. Yes, yes." he replied.

    I sighed in frustration. "Fine. You can stay for a few days only if you let Jack out sometimes."

    He thought about it, then shrugged. "Sounds fair. But I get to choose when he gets let out, 'kay?"

    I frowned.

    "Okay, okay, fine. I'll let your boy out when you want. But we gotta find a way to split the time 50/50. Capiche?" Belphegor said.


    "Great," he grabbed a plate from the cupboard and put two pancakes, three sausages, some eggs, and a piece of bacon on it and set it down in front of me. "Eat up. I got a long list of stuff I wanna do today."

    "Does your list include killing puppies?" I asked.

    "Love, I might be a demon of Hell, but even I'm not that cruel."


"Really? Again? With the shades? You don't need them, Belphegor!" I said as I drove down the country roads with him in the passenger's seat, fiddling with the shades on his face.

He turned his head to me. "I think we're past the whole 'full name' thing, Anna. You call Asmodeus Evil Colonel Sanders, you call Azazel Yellow Eyes, you even call Lucifer Lucie! I mean, I really think that I should get a nickname."


"Yeah." he nodded.

"And what would you want to be called? Husband Possessor? Mini Satan?" I suggested.

"Maybe something less.....hurtful. Call me....Bel."

I looked at him. "Bel? Really?"

"Yeah. There are worst names."

I shook my head. "Fine. Whatever. Where are we going?"

He stayed silent.

"Really? You're gonna make me say it?" I asked.

Again. Silence.

I heaved a sigh. "Fine. Where are we going, Bel?"

"There it is," he smiled. "and to answer your question, I thought we'd stop by a bar. I'm getting hungry and could do with a few drinks."

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