-Hi! I brought you the flowers you like, tulips, as always - Aaron said to his best friend, Rachel.
-As beautiful as ever! Where did you get them?
-I was leaving the coliseum when I found a garden full of flowers, and I grabbed some of them.
-You were watching volleyball games again, weren't you?
-Yes, I'm sorry, but the Germans are very tall and they play very well. Someday I'd like to be like them, to be able to go to the nationals and I can show how valuable I am despite my height.
-That's why you have to train very hard, starting by enrolling in a school when we return to Colombia.
-That's what I hope, I wish they accept me.
-They will, I'm sure.
Since I was a child I have had an obsession for volleyball, it is a sport that I have always loved and I have highlighted for my great ability. Now that I'm a teenager I have a better chance to show what I can achieve if I put my mind to it.
I am not a tall person, so many people always think that I am not good at the sport, but I always try to show them the opposite, although it's always an impediment to face people who are almost 2 meters tall, but it's time to change that perspective.
When I arrived in Bogota the first thing I did was to look for different schools to enroll, most of them high category, because I had high ideals to be part of one. I managed to pass to one, called "Nekoma", a school which has been highlighted for several years for being the winner to go to the nationals and represent the capital of the country. When I arrived at the first training nobody thought I would be a middle blocker, where the height determines the ability of each player.
-My name is Aaron Morgan, I'm a middle blocker, I'm 5'4'' and I'm here to win.
-5'4''? Are you kidding me? - asked the captain - Your height is no good in that position, you better go to pick up balls.
-We have our "little giant", I know one when I see one - said the coach.
-That's right, and I will be the next star of this generation.
Here begins my story, from the moment I decided to become the "little giant" and be the greatest representative of Colombia.

RandomAaron Morgan has always wanted to succeed in the sport of volleyball since he started watching players from other schools and other cities in the National Tournament when he was in elementary school, but he focused on one, the "little giant", who wa...