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"thoughts "
"Normal talk"


"Zen, Kacey come down stairs for breakfast right now
or else your food will get cold!" Claire their mother said
"Ok mom!"
"Coming !"
"Zen is a cheerful bright teenage boy ,age 15 he's not all that smart wait ...he is smart and when it comes to going on adventures , nature hikes ,camping , having fun he's the man for the job, but ... he's been hiding something since he was ...four? and that is......"

"Zen! stop talking to yourself in third person and come and eat ! "
" ok ok I'm coming geez women" Zen said and came down stairs he was met with a knock on his head .
" Ow!! "
"What took you so long ?" Claire asked
"That's not for you to kn---" Claire showed a hand ready to knock him again
"I-I-was doing stuff ok ,nothing to worry about..."
"Hmm if you say so ..okay now go take your food ,I made scrambled eggs and bacon"
"nice " Zen said

Zen and Claire took their seat next to Kacey ready to eat.

&At breakfast &

"Wow mom this is the best breakfast ever!"Zen said

"What about the past one's I made before ?"

"oh those... were the dark ages"

"Zen? How were the one's I made before?"

"Theyweregreatverygreat!! I could uh use some...more "

"Really ,you know I never liked it very much , I added too much of everything but if you say you like it then I'll make an extra bunch for you"

"What..have ...I ..just done ...even mom herself didn't like it..."

"Kacey would you like to have some tommorow?"Claire asked

"Nope "

"Mom, I'd like to change my mind about tommorow"Zen said


"Because ---"

"Because what? they're just eggs the best kind you like , Mom I think you should double the amount" Kacey said smiling

"Yeah I think I will, Zen better thank Kacey 'cause you gonna have one helluva good breakfast tommorow just you and only you " Claire said

"Yay.......thanks a lot ...kacey..."

"Anything for you lil' bro"


"Hey kids, hurry up else you'll be late for school your bus is waiting for you" Claire said

"wow that's new , I think she had a change of heart" Kacey said

«honk ! honk!» "You better hurry up in before I leave your sorry selfs here again !" Janice their school bus driver said

"Spoke too soon" Kacey said

"Yh let's just go , bye Mom!"

--::::In the bus::::--

As Zen and Kacey entered the bus , Zen heard a very familiar voice call him, he waved Kacey goodbye but she ignored him and went to sit with her friends. Zen rolled his eyes at her ,he was used to it anyway...

"Hey Zen come sit with us" one of his closest friend Justin said

"Ok" Zen said as he plopped down on a seat next to Stacy looking out the window thinking about things away from school.

(A/N) : Chapter one finished ....

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