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"Bryan! Are you going to wake up or not?" He heard his mom tell from the living room

It was another Saturday morning in the states and he didn't see the need to be up so early. He looked at his phone and saw that it was past noon. Damn! Ethan was going to be here anytime soon and they were heading out together. He rolled out of bed and raced into the bathroom. He took a quick shower and headed to the living room

"Good morning mom!" He said
"Or you mean good afternoon" she said
"C'mon mom, it's Saturday. It is not like there is anything else for me to do on a Saturday morning" he said to his mom
"I don't know, you can mow the lawn or take a walk or hit the gym" she said to him
"Mom, thank you but I think I'm good. Besides, I would be heading out soon" he said to her
"And where are you going?" She asked him
"Oh, Ethan and I have an errand to run and then we would be having dinner at his girl's place" he said
"And there you are, with no girl because you're scared" his mom teased
"I'm not scared. I just don't think love is my thing. I mean, the first one didn't work out, neither did the second one or the third one" he said
"You would be nineteen in less than two months, Bry!"
"And what does that have to do with me getting a girlfriend mom?" He asked his mother
"I don't know, just get one and stop sleeping till noon" his mom said
"So you think me getting a girlfriend would stop me from sleeping till noon? Are you serious right now?" He laughed so hard
"I think it would" she said
"I doubt that mom" he said as his phone beeped. "That's Ethan, mom. I have to go. I'd see you for dinner, I promise" he said as he kissed her forehead and headed our of the house

That was his life for him. His mom was his first best friend, since his dad was never available. His mom was a stay home mom and Bryan wouldn't have it any other way. His mom knew everything about him from his first girlfriend to his last heart break and she was really nice. She made it easy for him to tell her anything and he didn't keep anything from her.

He walked out of the house and he met Ethan outside

"So where are we going?" He asked as he walked up to him
"I don't know, I just got bored at home and I decided to take a stroll around. I was thinking that you should go to the cheerleaders practice on Monday" Ethan said
"And why would I do that? We don't even have practice on Monday!" Bryan said
"They have new recruits and I was hoping you would find someone that would pique your attention" Ethan said
"C'mon, not you too!" Bryan whined
"Uhm, yes. Me too. How long do you plan on doing this?" Ethan asked
"I am not doing anything!" Bryan said
"Yes, you are doing a lot! I mean so what if Maxine broke your heart? She wouldn't be the only person to ever do that!" Ethan said
"C'mon, you of all people know how I felt towards Maxine! I loved her with everything I had, I still do and if she comes back to me, I would gladly accept her with open arms!"
"You should move on, Maxine already moved on and you have to understand that she is never coming back!" Ethan said
"And you think going to watch a bunch of cheerleaders would do me some good?" Bryan asked him
"Yes, I do!" He said
"Alright then, we go on Monday" he said
"Wait, hold up, you will?" Ethan asked, shocked
"Yeah, sure. Anything to get you and my mother off my back!" He said
"Oh, that's why you do everything, so I can stop whining" Ethan said as he pulled out his phone that was already ringing

He looked at it

"Who is it?" Bryan asked
"It's Zoe. I'm in trouble" he said as he moved ahead to pick the call.

Bryan smiled and shook his head. His relationship with Zoe was really nice and a part of Bryan wanted what Ethan had with Zoe but he wasn't ready to push it. He wasn't ready to open up to anybody anymore. Ethan came back to him

"Hey, Zoe has to cancel today. What are we going to do?" Ethan asked
"I don't know. We can go back to my house and convince my mom to make us something to eat or we can find a fast food restaurant somewhere and get something to eat because I have not eaten anything today and I promised her that I was going to get something to eat" Bryan said
"Okay then, we can order an Uber and probably get to a restaurant to eat something before we head back to your house just incase your mom decides not to cook" Ethan said
"That wouldn't be a bad idea" Bryan said

He pulled out his phone and ordered a ride. It came in less than two minutes and they got in, headed down to a restaurant, paid and then they ate. When they were done, they ordered another ride and they left. On their way home, someone caught his attention. She got down from a black limo and had guards around her. She looked like a regular kid but Bryan could tell that she wasn't one. She was probably royalty. He took a good look at her. She had nice light blue eyes and brown hair. She was about five foot nine and that was a plus in his books. She was slender and probably curvy but right now, she was in an oversized tee shirt and her hair was in a messy bun. The car drove away before he could get any more details

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