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"I once believed love would be burning red. But it's golden like daylight"
-Taylor Swift-

Back in DC, Hotch gets stopped by a government official and handed a note, then invited into a limo

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Back in DC, Hotch gets stopped by a government official and handed a note, then invited into a limo. He's taken to a secret building to meet someone. It proves to be a gentleman's club. Hotch is now meeting the official to talk about the Silk Road investigation aka when the League of Assassins were being hired.

Turns out, the investigation isn't going well, and a DEA agent is dead, and two others are missing.

"I feel like you just live here, which is ironic because I've seen your apartment" Natalie voices as she comes up to Reid, who is sitting at his desk reading a large book. He places the book down and looks up at Natalie who takes a seat on the side of his desk, looking down at him with a smile on her face.

"Well, I wake up quite early and surprisingly, I love my job" Reid states even though he loves more than his job. "You're better than me, Reid" Natalie jokes as she playfully places her hand on Reid's shoulder, causing Reid to feel butterflies in the pit of his stomach as his eyes scan each of her fingers that rest on his shoulders before she slowly slides it off, letting out a sigh.

She goes to walk to her desk when Reid stands up abruptly. "Wait, uh- Hmm" Reid mumbles to himself as he tries to calculate what to say in his head. Natalie knits her eyebrows with worry as she turns towards Reid, looking at the questionable look on his face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so... flustered. What is it? Do I smell or something?" Natalie asks, "What? No! No! You smell great. You smell- amazing, like flowers- The good ones, the ones my grandma used to get" Reid rants before he mentally slaps himself and physically shakes his head as he realizes what he's just said.

Natalie chuckles and her laugh is like music to his ears, it drowns out any sound around him, causing him to only focus on her and only her. "I just wanted to ask- If you- Are you-" Reid stammers, to which Natalie jokingly nudges his shoulder. "Come on, spit it out. I'm getting nervous here" Natalie says as Reid nervously scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm going to this dinner event in two days and I'm the only one, out of about 40 people, without a date-". "Oh, so you're asking me on a date?" Natalie teases as she takes a step closer. "Yeah, yeah. I guess I am. I don't know how fun it'll be because it's a science event and most of them are in their 70's anyway, but there will be a bunch of speeches, videos and music to dance too" Reid explains while Natalie slowly nods her head.

"Well, I'd love to go with you" Natalie answers which brings a smile to Reid's face. "Really?" Reid asks for a sign of reassurance, to which Natalie chuckles and nods her head confidently. "Yes. How could I say no?" Natalie questions, jokingly poking Reid in the arm before she turns on her heel and walks to her desk.

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