Chapter 1

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    Frustrated, Dipper slammed the door to his temporary room shut. As always, Mabel was being a complete asshole, insisting that she just had to have the attic room all to herself because she deserved it. Dipper didn't even care about having to move to the other room, honestly he liked it here. It was just that Mabel was so self-absorbed and rude, as always.

He thought she should have grown up by now, they were 18 for fucks sake.

'Whatever' he thought angrily, 'I'm back in Gravity Falls. With my friends.' Dipper sighed, feeling the anger slowly drain from his body. He was too tired to be holding this anger right now. All he wanted to do was just unpack his stuff, and go see all his friends. Wendy, Lee, Robbie and Nate said they'd be hanging at the diner till like, 1pm or something.

Stuffing the important stuff into his messenger bag, he left his room, locking the door when he went. Grunkle Stan gave him a warm smile when he passed, they'd become close in the last handful of summers. Dipper couldn't come the past two summers, but Grunkle Stan still sent him birthday gifts in the mail. So did Grunkle Ford, but they didn't feel as personal. Stan sent him stuff he really wanted, like that new BABBA vinyl a couple years ago. Ford just sent him science books and new journals for Dipper to use. Stan taught him how to chop firewood and make good pancakes. The relationship was more personal with Grunkle Stan. He was less like an uncle and more like a very fatherly grandpa.

Before he realized, he was already at the diner, standing at the door. Almost immediately upon entering, he spotted Robbie sitting in the far end booth. 'Why's he alone? I thought everyone else would be here' Dipper approached him, Robbie was busy on his phone so he didn't notice.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Dipper almost laughed at the way Robbie nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Jesus Christ, Dipper, why would you sneak up on me like that??" He dramatically complained about the 'sneak attack' before sighing and explaining, "Wendy and them went up to the water tower, they've got a surprise for you."

"Really? What is it?" Dipper tilted his head in curiosity.

"Surprise dipshit" Robbie laughed a bit, before pocketing his phone and standing. "We gonna stand here or go meet em?" He raised a pierced eyebrow and Dipper rolled his eyes.

"So we have to climb all the way up there? Really?" Dipper grumbled about being forced to be active on his first day home. Finally, he sighed and started climbing the rickety old ladder. Once he finally reached the top, all of his older friends enveloped him in a hug, scaring the crap out of him. Turns out they wanted to give him overdue birthday presents he missed from the past two summers.

Dipper went home happy. 

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