D.O.ME Introduction

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Thomas's last memory of the outside world was that of the crimson red and peach horizon, the sun setting over the barren desert, casting long shadows over the small imperfections in the ground. The doors closed around him, it's still so beautiful out there, although he knew that running, or any attempt to leave would lead to isolation and eventually starvation.
The doors locked shut with a resounding click and the hall went black. Incandescent lights flashed on and the floor started to shake, rising up, staggering in a sort of tiered form. The final touch came as the side wall began to light up, as a green wired face appeared on the screen. They really had done the best job on this, at least from what I have seen. It was then that the face started talking.

You are the final generation of the human race; you have all been selected because you each hold multiple talents vital to the survival of our world and its race. These talents will be nurtured throughout your time here in the Dome, they will be developed, and over all they will be taught to your fellow candidates. You are the future of this planet, so we here at the dome ask kindly that you abide by a few rules: one, you are to be in your cube at 9:30 each night, at which they will be locked. Failure to attend this curfew and you shall sleep in the pens. Two, you must attend all classes and arrive on time, fail to do so will end in scrapes. And finally, three, no disrespect is to be shown to any other candidate. Any conflict to these rules shall earn you a strike, 7 in a week shall result to scavenging and 10 in expulsion and isolation.
It went on to explain the prestige and privilege of being here, the way in which or lives will now be structured and what is expected of us at the dome. As this was all happening everybody was looking around interested to see if they knew anybody, disappointment hit though as I realized that there wasn't anybody even remotely familiar. I did notice something interesting, the people around me were of massive range of ethnicities, heights and their clothing ranged from long robes to shorts and tee shirts. We were then released and told to find our own way around to our rooms. I didn't understand this at first but the face had vanished. The group of bodies surged forwards towards the doors, whirring of hydraulics could be heard as the large marbled ebony planks were pulled back to reveal the black inner core of the dome.

Director Haze
The walls were tiles of black granite, the floors a grey carpet and the roof a mirror, reflecting the candidate's movements back on them. The complex had been designed flawlessly, with pinprick cameras lining the wall so every movement could be recorded, the students evaluated and their actions determined. It had been 6 months since Charlotte Haze had been elected as head of the dome and ever since she had become the most powerful person on the earth. The role of director came with huge responsibilities, you were to control the fate of the entire race and determine the punishment of candidates. She had hesitated at first, scared of her power but now she took it as a duty of her to look after the children in the complex, and when the time came, release them back to the world. "Hello, Haze can I come in", the speaker buzzed from the door. The director reached under her desk and clicked the button to let them in. The stone slab fell into the floor and the head of instructions walked in, he was a well-built man standing at 6'1 and dressed entirely in navy blue, the attire of a C.Path. "Jeremy, how are they doing." The instructor smiled at this and nodded his head, "They have responded to their impulses well and are on their way too their rooms now, we will be keeping watch on the failures." With that he withdrew from the room and the stone rose into place. Those who failed were to be withdrawn from the complex, stranded and left to fend for themselves.

The impulse kept a strong hold on Thomas, guiding him through the black halls, each of which was lined with large steel doors. The halls a black which eventually faded into dark blue, then slowly again into purple and finally into a stainless white, each colour parted by a ring of one door of either side of grey stone bricks with gold stained grout., tom found himself need to stop at the partition between the purple and white. Turning right to face the door, he put forward his hand and pushed, the door resisted for a split-second as it read his palm, then slid out of place and let Thomas enter.

As Thomas entered he noticed three things, the first being this was a bedroom, second that it was a double bedroom and finally that there was someone sitting on the bed on the right side.
"Hello, I'm Jamie."
The boy looked the same age as Thomas; he was slightly shorter, had strawberry blonde hair and stood with great strength and confidence. "Hey, call me Tom, so how's the room." Jamie responded, "I don't know, I just got here but I did find this on my bed, there's one on yours too." He was holding up a small triangle device that could otherwise pass as a phone. Tom went over and grabbed his off his bed and tried to find the on switch. "It's helpless, there is no buttons and is has a seamless case, it won't turn on manually." Thomas touched the screen and it flashed and went dark, but he could of sworn that he saw the word "CHANGE" He told Jamie this and walked over to his cupboard, which was once again lacking in a handle, starting to get the idea, he pushed in and it slid up, into the roof. "What the hell" exclaimed Jamie as he did the same. Thomas walked forward into the cupboard and the door slid down behind him, fluorescent lights flickered on and draws slid forward out of the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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