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When Ego Jinpachi was given the approval to begin the Blue Lock project, the first task he had to complete was to look for a technician who could help him build it from scratch.

He searched for many and called them in to see if they were perfect for his work but all were mediocre and unfit to work at his level.

"[L/N] [F/N]? You want to recommend a teenager to help?" Anri asked as she gazed at the screen in disbelief.

"Teenager or not. She has more brain cells than you." Ego deadpanned, earning him an angry reaction.


Ego observed your profile and knew you were the type he would get along with. He read your reason for applying on the sheet and liked that you were honest.

'This is a step to show the world my technology.'


"She's doing it again."

"God, she's so weird."

You wanted to roll your eyes over the way these average girls were wasting their time trying to make you into an outcast when you were far more knowledgeable then them combined.

"I'm building a projection screen to create holograms. How is that weird?"

You fixed your gaze onto the trio who flinched as they were caught backbiting but the middle was brave enough to stand up to you.

"Building stuff like that is for boys!"

Your face scrunched up as you made a look of disgust over her comment.

"And what are girls such as I supposed to be doing then?" You shot a question back at her and she seemed irritated that you were standing up for yourself.

"A housewife."

Your eyes reflected your disbelief over how she believed in the stereotypical roles for each gender.

"Look, if that's what you want to be as you grow older, then I respect that but I have chosen to push myself to become something different and if you find that weird then good. It makes me unique."

You left no room for her to add anymore words and ended the conversation by turning around and focusing back on your projection screen.

Being in a school with students who were not on your level was bothersome.

You wondered when you would receive the opportunity to be in a place where there was never a dull moment.

'You've been invited to help create the Blue Lock project.'

That day actually came.

It was after school and you had entered your tiny apartment, seeing a black envelope on the ground after being posted through your letter box.

Reading the content written neatly on the letter had your heart beating fast and you couldn't stop the excited smile painting your lips.

You were to be escorted from your home to the facility in a week and when it was time, you were gobsmacked at the sight of a limousine parked in front of your shabby apartment building, a man dressed in the most expensive looking suit, waiting for you.

"I'm here to escort you, ma'am."

You had to admit, it flustered you that the much older man was addressing you in a polite manner but you nodded nonetheless and sat inside after he opened the door for you.

You focused out the window and looked at the scenery as you got yourself lost in your thoughts, holding your bag close to you as it held your precious tools.

When you arrived, you came face to face with the man who you would hopefully be working with.

Ego Jinpachi.

"[L/N] [F/N], I presume."

You could see the way he was observing you. He was trying to see any weakness that would put him off from working with you.

"My picture was in the profile I sent so I'm surprised you don't recognise me." You crossed your arms, sending the older man a raised brow while he waved his hand, dismissing your words.

"It's hard to remember a face as average as yours."

You smiled, ignoring the insult he threw your way and it made him raise a brow.

"The same should be said to you."

Ego liked that you held the same confidence as him even though you were only seventeen but what mattered the most was if you were useful for his project.

"Come in."

You walked through the double doors and was led into his office where he took a seat by his desk the same time as you, the two of you sitting opposite of each other.

"You know the details of the project so I'm not going to waste time going over it again. I want to see some of your work and then I'll decide whether you are worth working with in the future."

Anri stepped into the office, quietly shutting the door behind her so she wouldn't disturb the meeting and moved over to take a seat as she watched you pull out a projector.

"This is a holographic projection screen which I completed recently."

You pressed a few buttons and a blue figure appeared by your side.

"Its unimpressive if I just represented a hologram to you but if I was to do this, you might feel the opposite."

You grabbed a pen off Ego's desk and turned to the hologram.

"Hold this."

To Ego's and Anri's amazement, the figure placed its hand out and held the pen without it falling through.

"How did you make this possible?" Ego questioned while you turned off your projector.

"I added a microchip into the projector to create a physical reaction so the hologram can sense the contact of the pen." You explained and Anri was gobsmacked over how someone as young as yourself had managed to create something she thought would exist in the far future.

"Would you be able to create a holographic goalkeeper with the same sensory actions?"

To Ego, you were the one who would most likely become his technician as you had created something far from what he was expecting.

As soon as you nodded to his question while mentioning about needing a bigger budget, he confirmed his decision.

"You start working here from tomorrow."

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