Train ride back

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Arya was with Lilly walking to Kings Cross Station to catch the train ride to Hogwarts for their 4th year. Arya often spent summers and holiday breaks at the Evans house as she didn't have the best relationship with her parents due to her coming out as a lesbian.

"What's wrong Ari," Lilly asked her

"Nothing" she replied, But in fact, there were many things wrong. She went on thinking until she was pulled from her thoughts when they found James, Remus, Sirius, and Petter. As loud and annoying as they could be Arya enjoyed being friends with them as they treated her as a normal person, she felt like she could be herself around them.

"Ah how was your summer Ari" Sirius had asked her

"Oh you know Sirius hanging out with the best person ever over here and her wicked sister" Arya laughed.

"Oh shut it," Lilly said chuckling.

"Well mine, in fact, was horrid, having to deal with the person I call mother all day 'Sirius stop hanging with those mudbloods' 'Sirius this' 'Sirius that' like can't I get a break?"

As everyone rambled about their summers Arya locked eyes with someone in the distance, she flashed her a small smile but Arya quickly turned her head not wanting to give the girl the wrong impression.

"Let's... Get to our compartment now" Arya said and quickly started walking.

"What's up with her?" James asked Lilly, Lilly wanted to tell them so badly but didn't want to betray her friend's trust.

"I don't know" she ended up saying. Everyone found their way to where Arya had gone.

"Are you excited to see the new first-year Gryffindors?"  Petter asked

"Quite frankly I am," Remus said

"Well, I think we should get a bunch of first years and-"

"No Sirius," they all said in unison. 

"How'd you know what I was going to say," he asked

"Sirius we know you and we're not doing that," Remus said. Remus and Lilly were the ones to try their best to stop the crazy ideas coming out of Sirius. Everyone eventually started to do their own thing and Arya had fallen asleep to her horrid thoughts.

"ARI" Lilly had shaken her awake


"We've called your name five times were here," she said, Arya silently got up following them out. The moment she walked out head instantly went to the ground. Lilly had looked around for a reason why, when her eyes landed on her just a few feet ahead of them she knew why.

Everyone made their way inside the great hall where all of the new first-years would be sorted.

"Welcome welcome please take a seat" Dumbledore started

"That was great sorting, Thank you, everyone. I have a few wise words not only for the first years but for everyone. Please choose your friends wisely as they say the people you put yourself around your bound to become. Have a great day back classes will start tomorrow morning, Let the feast begin" once he said that a huge amount of food appeared on the table. Everyone started stuffing their plate.

"Ari are you going to eat," Sirius asked her with food all in his mouth

"I'm not too hungry I'll be in the common room," she said as she got up and left.

"She doesn't seem right," Remus said and they all agreed.

Arya did make her way to the common room, But she decided to go up to her dorm room. She went into the bathroom and locked the door. She immediately crumbled on the floor and started crying.

She hated all the strange looks she got, she hated how no one liked her, and she hated how she wasn't normal. She would still be in the closet from the school if it wasn't for Lucius Malfoy. He Hated Arya.

When she was telling her friends she was a lesbian he just so happen to be listening and he told the whole school. She was the laughingstock for months. 'Look there goes the weirdo don't let her in the girl's restrooms' everyone would tease her. Arya didn't know why Lucius hated her, she hadn't spoken a single word to him.

Arya decided to turn on the shower and undress. Her fingers ran over the healing scars on her upper thigh, she couldn't help but think she deserved it. She stepped into the burning hot shower just standing there as it started to soak her.

She grabbed her bottle of shampoo and squirted a small amount into her hand. Bring her hand up to her hair she starts scrubbing it into her short brown hair. Rinsing it out she couldn't help but think, that all she does is think. Her brain is active all the time and she doesn't know how to shut it off.

'Knock knock' someone knocked at the door

"Ari it's Lilly do you want to come out?" the kind girl asked.

'Oh shit' Arya had no idea how long she had been in the shower

"One sec," she said rushing to wash out the conditioner. She stepped out wrapping her warm body in a towel and using a drying spell for her hair. She walked out to see a worried Lilly sitting on her bed. Lilly was her dorm mate and had been since first year.

"Arya everyone is worried about you," she told her turning around to face the wall as she knew Arya didn't like her seeing the self-inflicted scars.

"Ok" was all she managed to say if she were to say anything further she might break down again. They sat in silence while Ari finished getting dressed and went to sit on the bed next to Lilly.

"I. I know she doesn't like me back but I can't help but feel for her" she told Lilly as she began to cry. Lilly coddled her.

"It's ok Ari there are many people who adore you" she tried to comfort her.

"no there's not and you know it Lilly I know you see all the stares I get, the rude comments whispered under people's breaths when I walk by the laughs I get. So please stop pretending like people like me." she sobbed

"My parents don't even like me," Arya said under her breath. Lilly hugged her tighter knowing no words would help so she did her best to comfort her with actions. When Arya started to break down Lilly was one of the few to calm her, Minerva McGonagall being the other. The elder witch felt like a mother to Arya as her's wanted nothing to do with her. Once Ari calmed down she and Lilly took a walk to Minerva's office.

'Knock knock'

"Come in," the elder witch said, Arya and Lilly, walked in.

"Oh hello Ari are you ok?" she gave Lilly a concerned look and brought her in for a hug.

"Not right now," she said sniffling. Minerva pulled back to study her face.

"Lilly thank you so much dear but could you leave us alone for a second?" she asked her

"Of course, I'll be in the common room Ari," she said and turned to leave.

"Come sit," Minerva told Arya pointing to the chair in the corner of the room. Minerva took a seat next to her.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"If I tell you you're going to hate me," Arya said looking at the ground.

"Arya nothing you could do would make me hate you," Minerva told her.

"I- I like someone but I know she would never like me back, and she probably hates me and I hate that I like her" Arya sobbed

"Ari I told you not to dwell on those things but who is it?"

"N-Narcissa black."

AN - thought this would be a good place to end I hope you enjoy the next update soon!!

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