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Hey guys! First of all I want to thank you guys for reading my story, I write for fun and because I want to improve my knowledge about the English language. It isn't my first language, I'm Dutch so If you see any mistakes in my spelling feel free to point it out, it's always helpful! :)

Also I'm in my exam year now, so I don't have any post schedule, so just so you know. So let's meet our characters, I wanna say beforehand that I will use celebrity names as in Elizabeth Olsen, and maybe others, I just wanna say that that's all I'll use, I won't use anything out of their lives only their names, the story takes place in a alternative universe, I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything like that towards any actor/actress especially Elizabeth Olsen, so if your uncomfortable with it feel free to stop reading. :)

Now that we got all of the formalities out of the way, let me introduce you to our main characters, I won't say to much about them only the two mains.

Now that we got all of the formalities out of the way, let me introduce you to our main characters, I won't say to much about them only the two mains

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This is Alexis Taylor (21 years old), she was born and raised in England (Londen), her dad passed away at an early age, which led to her mother re-marring a Wonderfull man, Steward (Stepdad) and Alexis have a great bond, he really stepped up to be a father figure for her. But her mother on the other hand has a stained relationship with Alexis. Chelsea, the older sister of Alexis is the golden child, as her mother always proudly explains to others. 

This is Elizabeth Olsen (Shocker), she is a 30 year old English professor at NYU, (and she graduated) She is married to Veronica Williams, but the marriage is on thin ice, especially after Elizabeth caught her wife cheating last summer

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This is Elizabeth Olsen (Shocker), she is a 30 year old English professor at NYU, (and she graduated) She is married to Veronica Williams, but the marriage is on thin ice, especially after Elizabeth caught her wife cheating last summer. Still healing form the pain Lizzie is focussing more on her work than trying to survive on a sinking ship.

Then there is Mason, Alexis her first friend in America, who is still struggling with his identity, he grew up in a strict house hold and tries to find his wings under his dad's strict supervision

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Then there is Mason, Alexis her first friend in America, who is still struggling with his identity, he grew up in a strict house hold and tries to find his wings under his dad's strict supervision. which he lacks now that Mason is in College. 

disclaimer: Just so you guys are warned, there will be some heavy topics in this story, like suicide, suicidal tought, mental health issues, toxic relationships. if you don't like these kind of things then maybe this story isn't for you, I will put a trigger warning above every chapter where there are any signs of these things. 

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