Chapter 1: nightmares

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"HOW COULD YOU FAIL ME." Shadow Raker yelled, looking down at the two minicons who stood before him.
Both minicons were terrified and trembling, but both stood stock still in front of their master.
"But master, we only had time to get what we brought." Slipstream protested.

There was suddenly a flash of metal, and Jetstorm almost cried out in pain as a sword slashed across his cheek, leaving a gash.
Jetstorm trembled as the white hot pain shot through his body, but he still stood as still as he could, trying to ignore the feeling of energon running down his cheek.
Next to them, he saw Deadlock, an expression of pure anger on his face, but strangely, his anger wasn't directed towards the minicons.

"Next time you shall get as much as you are told and no less, or there shall be severe consequences, do I make myself clear." Shadow Raker growled, looking at the minicons.
"Yes master." Jetstorm and Slipstream nodded.
"Good, now get out of my sight." Shadow Raker growled, and both minicons quickly ran out the room.

Jetstorm's POV:
I awoke with a gasp trembling as I remembered that day, I could almost feel the energon running down my cheek again.
I could feel myself trembling and hugged my knees close to my chest, trying to suppress the memory.
I felt tears running down my optics, and I wiped them away, trying not to be full-on cry, but a few small sobs still escaped me.

After I'd stopped trembling I got down from the berth I shared with my older brother Slipstream and stepped out off the ship we lived on with our sensei Drift and decided to take a walk around the scrapyard to try and calm down.
I relaxed slightly as the cool night breeze hit my metal, I always found the feeling relaxing. It just gave me a sense of peace.

I walked past the others (minus Sideswipe, who was on patrol) who were all asleep, none of their heads pluaged by bad dreams.
When I got to the stasis pods, I froze in my tracks.

He was there.

His pod was directly in front of me.
I shuddered as I stared into the face of my former master, chills running over my frame.
Even in stasis he still frightened me, I just felt like he was going to crawl out of that pod and grab me, and me and Slipstream would be forced to live through all those cycles of abuse we'd been trying to forget.

Unable to look at the pod anymore I ran back to the ship and buried myself back in my blanket trying to fall back asleep, but now my processor was running haywire with the possibility that Shadow Raker may escape.

And if he did, what would he do?

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