I'm sorry, genuinely, I'm sorry Q.

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A/N: Don't get attached to them, they are both silly guys who kept hurting each other.


He chews on his lips between the cigarette popping out of the corner of his mouth, inhaling the air that was given to him. He thought of going back, yet it was either do or die; if he would rather turn his back away and run like a weakling, or suck it up. Here he is now, standing on sand, passing the border in the place where he was banished, Las Nevadas.

Sometimes he envies the man behind the luxurious place, he envies him for reaching his goal, while he couldn't; he ruined it for himself. He wonders if he had stopped himself, would things be different from the way it was? He wonders if he just let Tommy's words get in his head without arguing back, would he have been better than who he is today? That's a stupid thought because either way, he would still end up doing what he did sooner or later.

He and Quackity are the exact opposite, Quackity is his yang, and Wilbur is his ying. Both of them are compulsive, and fill up the hole that is empty inside them; they complete each other. Yet, he only yearns for attention, he only wishes for people to acknowledge him for the good things that he had done, not the bad things.

They called him honorable, he used to be honorable, and he can't disagree with that. He originally thought after coming back to remind people that there was once good inside him, and he could bring it back. But no one cares, they just accepted that he was dissimilar from the president he used to be. He wanted to be the center of attention; while Quackity yearns for power, he yearns for his glory, and he wants to be the one in charge. And Wilbur is all too happy to oblige to that if the man just asked him.

Taking a deep exhale, he reminisced about his past for far too long. This is exactly why sometimes he hates being alone with his mind. He hesitantly walked deeper into the place, he didn't have anything to worry about, well, except, Foolish. He's sure he has to be careful not to get caught, that's the last thing he wanted. He never wants things to go downhill, as that isn't his main purpose here.

It has been years, 13 years to be exact. He's been alone for so long. He had longed for attention, and the man was willing to give it to him; even if the man was just irritated. Quackity makes him feel ··· alive and selfish, he knows. He would be his obedient servant, if he could, just to stay by his side. He had the chance to be with him, by being his Vice President, yet he declined. Silly, he knows, yet it's true. All their bickering gives him a purpose to keep going, now, it'll be over. Realizing that made him frown, he didn't wish for this to end, but he has to. If he wants to heal.

He stared at the fountain in front of him, water flowing freely, he imagined himself in that situation, would someone like him, be as free as waterfalls? as pure as the blue sea? Would he be able to do anything without being judged and live the way he wanted? without having to worry about stress? He shrugged the thoughts away, of course, it was near impossible.

Those around him are merely characters - existing only to give light to Wilbur, the main character of his story, yet, deep down, he feels what surrounds him is perhaps way more important than he ever was in his narrative. Deep down, the focus of his story shifted after he accepted the role of a villain. He wonders if his story deserves a happy ending. Perhaps not, sometimes people are unlucky to not have their precious happy ending, and everyone doesn't always have their fairy tale. Unfortunately, he is one of those people.

The wind washes his hair, and above him are birds flying around freely, these birds' eye-view makes it easier to see what is under them. What would it feel like to catch a glimpse of his story living without him? He had always imagined that. Would it be way better than it was? Would people be pleased? Would they care? probably not. Based on his opinion, his life isn't the slightest best compared to others. He, himself had fucked up his life from the decisions that he thought were the best, well. He is always right, in some situations, he was a leader, but he is no follower. He won't stoop that low. Tommy was probably right, he gets into people's heads till everything explodes.

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