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You were in the middle of testing out a machine you had arranged into one of the walls of the practice room when Anri had walked in, calling out to you sweetly.

You wanted to greet back but instead, you let out a cry as a ball shot out of the machine and smacked you in the face.


She was by your side in seconds and a wince left her lips as she saw the pattern of the ball as a red outline on your face.

"I need to turn the power down and change the trajectory." You mentioned as you went over to your notebook to jot down what to fix.

Anri already had her mini first aid kit out and she placed a plaster over the bridge of your nose where a small cut had formed.

"What did you need, Anri-san?" You asked after you closed your notebook.

"Ego told me to go out and look for some potential highschool students who could join the program but I was wondering if you would come with me." She requested and you hesitated as you thought of your work which needed done.

She could tell by your expression and clasped her hands together, begging you to join her.

"I just don't want to look like a creep checking out younger boys when I'm just trying to see their potential. It would be a lot better if you joined." She reasoned and you decided to go, wanting to take a break from your work.

You went to your assigned room in the facility which Ego had provided you and grabbed your jacket to put on. Anri was seated in her car and had the engine running as you stepped outside. She called you over and you took a seat inside her car before putting your seatbelt on.

"So, which school are we heading to first?"

Anri gave her answer while putting on her sunglasses and stepped onto the acceleration pedal, the car zooming ahead and towards Namikaze High School.


The football match you were watching was not the best you had to admit but amongst the players on the field, one stood out.

He seemed determined to make the goal by himself but what you found odd was, he was still looking at the other players as if they were missing something.

"He's the only one who is standing out for me."

You pointed towards him and Anri looked for his profile on her tablet, scrolling through many until she came to a stop.

"Bachira Meguru." Anri revealed his name and you hummed as a response before focusing back on Bachira who ended up losing the ball.

The match came to the end and unfortunately, his team had actually lost.

"He should be recommended...wait, [F/N]-chan...where are you going?"

The teams had returned to their bases except for Bachira who seemed frustrated by his last play. He had been laying down on the grass, looking up at the sky to calm down from the adrenaline he had been feeling a few mintures earlier when you came in his vision.

"Hi." You greeted him with a small grin while offering a hand to help him up.

Despite feeling confused by your sudden approach to him, he smiled politely and accepted your help by clasping his hand around yours.

You were shorter than him by a few inches and didn't look to be strong but it was quite the opposite as you easily lifted him up causing a startled look to appear on his face.

"I'm stronger than you think." You could tell from his face that he underestimated you but it was understandable.

He didn't know you liked to work out at the park with the elderly. You would have gone to the gym but you had been broke a majority of your life with using the money you earned at your part time job for food and materials to build your tech.

Thankfully, Ego had given you full access to the training room where you could use the equipment to help strengthen your body.

If you were planning to build up the Blue Lock project from scratch, you had to be fit enough for the job.

"Sorry." He sent you a sheepish smile but you shook your head, telling him it was fine.

"I wanted to just ask you something, if that's alright with you."

He nodded and you sent him a smile before speaking up.

"What were you looking for while you were playing?"

He was surprised by your observation as usually, not many people took notice.

"I was looking for the perfect player who could match with my monster." He answered, expecting you to be confused by his words but you reacted with a view of familiarity.

"So, you were looking for someone who would work perfectly with you." You summerised and he looked at you with awe.

"That's right!"

You smiled as you saw the gleam of happiness in his eyes before you stuck your hand out in his direction.

"It was nice meeting you, Bachira-san. I hope we meet again in the future."

He hadn't told you his name which caused him to tilt his head with perplexity but you remained the same as you continued to smile warmly.

"Nice meeting you too..." He trailed off as a way of asking you for you name and you were aware of it.

"[L/N] [F/N]."

He shook your hand and was intending to speak with you more but Anri interrupted the moment as she called out to you.

"[F/N]-chan, we've got to go!"


You gave Bachira your attention for the last time and bid him farewell before turning your back to him and jogging over to Anri. He could only watch as you walked away with the older women he didn't know before a smile broke out on his face.

"How interesting."

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