|1| Ordnance

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What is she doing here?

I heard murmurs from students spill into my ears like hot liquid.

Isn't she that pro-hero Ordinance?

Every step I took made my knees feel like jelly.

I thought she was too good for school.


                  "The youngest pro-hero" had always been a tough title to carry. Often people think I cheated my way to the top. I mean I would too if I saw a middle schooler rise to the rank of #10 heroes. The truth is that this has been my dream life since I was a child. Seeing how All might manage to keep a smile in the most dire of situations made me want to be a role model like him. Someone to look up to and trust, even if it seems like the world is at war.

                   I excelled in common core classes in primary school and took pre-hero license classes. I even became the first junior high student to take and pass the hero licensing exam. Although all this seems to be the life of a spoiled genius, I sacrificed so much to be able to get here. Actually, this was my first time stepping into a school since primary school.


But I thought she was homeschooled?

                    I heard comments like these on my way into the entrance exam. I walked onto the school grounds with fake confidence to make myself feel better, my strong strides made my black wavy hair bounce. The sun reflected on my hair and smooth olive skin as I looked straight with my chin up. I wore skin tight black leather pants, long combat boots, and a tight fitting long sleeve black shirt. A basic outfit to get me through basic combat. I knew the world was against my temporary retirement. But isn't it unfair? I should be able to graduate high school like every other teenage girl. I want to feel that slice of life that I've missed out on. You know, hanging out with friends, going to the mall, and teen romance. I'm fighting for those moments, and I'm not leaving this school until I get to experience all of it.

                    I finally made it inside the school, parting the crowd like the red sea as if my steps were spawning insects. When I thought the hard part was over, it was in fact only the beginning of the longest day ever.

                     As I took my seat in the lecture hall I noticed how everyone seemed to drift away from me. Although everyone was trying their best to ignore me, I could feel eyes on me from every direction. I couldn't tell if it was admiration, or disgust. Either way, I've never been bothered by eyes on me, I grew quite used to it because of the life I lived but I never got used to the negative comments that came with those stares.

                      As I patiently waited in my seat a blonde haired pro-hero strutted onto the stage and began the exam. "Welcome ladies, gentlemen, animals and insects! If you don't know me, my name is present mic and I will be your host for today's entrance exams. Let's hear it for the future of the U.A.!" Present mics attempt to hype the crowd was followed with silence and an awkward ambiance. " Well I'm glad you're all as excited for this as I am... Let me continue on with my introduction. U.A. is a prestigious high school meant for only the strongest future heroes. This strength I speak of is not only physical, but mental. All of you have already taken the written portion of this exam so I assume you know that much. Well I'm here to tell you about the practical exam made to test ability and skill in performing critical thinking in a simulated combat stage."

                     As I listened to present mics speech, I heard murmurs from behind me. I shifted in my seat to see what the commotion was about and I met eyes with a green eyed teenage boy staring daggers into my head. I made transient eye contact with him for a moment before he rescinded into his seat, from embarrassment I can assume.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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