Chapter One

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I did it. Their blood is on my hands but the city's safe. I killed the Bomber and deactivate the bombs. Everyone is okay. 

“The hero known as Celer has killed the Villain known as the Bomber. However, people are starting to worry if Celer is really the hero in this situation. She killed a normal person even though she outmatched them with her superhuman speed. Some are considering what she did murder. Police even offer a reward of 1,000 dollars to anyone with information on the killer's identity. For now that’s all the information we have, now back to Kevin on the scene.” 

The news continues on quietly. Wille Lawless set the remote down on her glass ottoman, “I saved them and they’re calling me a killer. The bomber had killed hunderends of people and was planning to kill more. How is what I did wrong?” Wille asks herself as she paces in her penthouse. She doesn’t understand how she’s now the bad guy after she killed the bad guy.

Her phone vibrates in her hand, employees at the newspaper she owns keep asking if they should take the story of the ‘fallen hero’. She puts the phone to mute and throws it across the apartment. 

She turns the volume back up on the TV and starts to flip through news channels. She listens to what each one has to say before flipping to the next. Sometimes she has to rewind to catch what they said. She falls onto her couch as she listens to them trash her. She runs her fingers through her hair. She can’t take it any longer. 

She walks to her bedroom, writes a note to Zoe Spade and leaves it on the kitchen counter.

She walks to the porch 30 stories up and leans on the railing. 

She sighs, she clicks record on the walkman, “To the person who gets this, you don’t have to do anything with it, you can light is on fire and throw it down the stairs for all I care, you don’t even have to listen to it, I just had to put my feelings into words.

This is a beautiful city this high up, or from the outside looking in. It seems perfect. But, when you live here for all 16 years of your life, it really starts to show its true colors. I admit I’m not perfect but I never deserved this. I know I made mistakes, I know that no one really knows me but no one, not even me, deserves this.

I saved this city more times then I turned an assignment in on time. Everytime I messed up the media shamed me for it. I know in that ridiculous costume I don’t look it, but I’m still a kid. In my year of being a hero for this city never once did anyone try to get my side of the story. 

To those of you still listening to this, you’re probably thinking I’m just some rich kid snob who looked for the wrong kind of attention and if you did think that, good for you I don’t care, I’m dead. I know to some this might seem like some 13 Reasons Why bullshit, but I don’t have 13 reasons, I have one. 

As for my will I, Wille Lawless, as my last and dying wish. I want my company and fortune to go to Zoe Spade, she doesn’t have to run it, I just want her to own it. All my belongings including furniture and appliances, I want donated to homeless shelters. Except for my books, those are to go to Zoe Spade as well. 

My reasoning is simple, I’m doing this because I killed someone and I deserve it. So for those of you looking to put Celer on death row, this is for you. I, Wille Lawless, am the vigilante Celer. There’s your confession. Good-bye people of this city, I won’t take credit for making this city a better place but let’s see how you do without me, oh, I misspoke, you’ll see how you do without me, I’ll be dead.” She hits the button to stop recording. 

Wille sets the tape and walkmen on the glass outdoor table, she gets up on the railing with her back to the concrete jungle, she leans back. On her way down she didn’t scream or call for help, she closed her eyes, she was the most at peace she had been in a while. 

For those of you wondering about that note and why Zoe Spade is so important, well, I’m Zoe Spade. 

Dear Zoe, 

You were my best friend, thank you for that. You were the only thing in the world that I loved. I’m sorry I left you like this but, I couldn’t take what they were saying about me. I’m not a killer, the Bomber is still alive, his real name is Noah Wright, he’s in my house in Paris, he was forced into the bombing by a man only known by the name Romeo, The one encounter with him I had he said he was doing it because he ‘lost his Julliet.’ I found out that his real name is Adam Jamisom. Also Jamison is mently ill, he’s like the Joker on crack. All the proof is in my studio on the back of your favorite painting. I know this was the coward's way out but, when in Rome. 



(The note left for Zoe by Wille)

For those of you wondering how I know all of this, Wille told me. She’s alive. She was bullshitting the entire time. I found her and Noah Wright at her house in Paris. I knew she was alive even before that. Whenever she said ‘when in Rome’ she meant ‘I’m lying through my teeth.’ I caught her. I knew she lied and she knew I knew. I’m am one of few who know what’s actually going on and you all have no fucking clue.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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