Creme Puff : Larry Stylinson

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Title: Creme Puffs

Pairing: Larry Stylinson/Ninja!Ziam

Summary: Louis Tomlinson is perfect. He is the captain of the football team, a straight As student and the most popular boy in school. But when he is not that, he is sitting in a bakery with a curly boy that keeps calling him CremePuff. 

Passing by Manderville bakery is a routine of Louis Tomlinson’s that he hasn’t missed once, since the beginning of the football season. Louis considers it his safe haven. There is something so calming about the warm scent of freshly baked pastries on a cold winter day. Or the sight of curls bouncing around behind the counter, but that he’d never admit to.

He never had the courage to go inside. He always stands there, thinking that maybe tomorrow he will go inside. Maybe tomorrow he wont be in his dirty football jersey or worn off shoes, but he knows that it’s not going to be tomorrow. Maybe it’s going to be the day after, but not tomorrow.

Monday is a typical day in school. Louis walks out of class after the end of the school day, and is greeted by his best mates Zayn and Liam. They stand there leaning on Liam’s locker, noses touching and silly smiles plastered on their faces.

“What did I say about PDA?” Louis looks the other way with fake disgust that they are used to. He was always jealous of how it seemed so easy for the two. They didn’t mind what was expected from them. They knew what they wanted and they went for it. If only Louis was as brave.

“Just because you are not getting laid, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t”. Zayn, has his Bradford Bad boi grin splattered off. Liam nudges his lover and sends him a disapproval look.

You’d never be able to tell but Zayn was the softie in this relationship. Louis guesses that’s what he is jealous most of. Liam loves Zayn for his shy smiles and insecurities over the image he supports in school.

“So why aren’t you?” Zayn asks. Louis gives him a questioning look to which Zayn rolls his eyes and continues, “Get laid. I mean. The whole school is queued to get into your pants. Rumor has it you’ve got a girlfriend stashed somewhere”.

Louis shakes his head smiling. People have a lot of free time on their hands. “Yes I’m hiding her in my locker, right next to corpse of the last girl that who came on to me”. Why does Zayn even try? He is quite sure Zayn knows that Louis is as straight as a bent ruler.

Louis stands waiting for the couple to say their goodbyes so Liam and him can go to practice. God forbids they don’t share a kiss once an hour of the day. One of them might go into cardio arrest, if the other didn’t breathe into his mouth regularly.

“I say you approach him.” Liam says once Zayn is out of hearing range.

“What is it with you and your boyfriend and how you start a conversation? I don’t know if you two can read each other’s minds but heads up. I can’t”. Sometimes Louis wonders Zayn and Liam actually do that just to annoy him.

“The bakery boy. I say you just walk up to him and ask him out” Liam daddy’s tone is apparent.

“I swear. I glanced at him once when we went to Holmes Chapels high’s recital. I glanced more at Zayn than I did at him. If anything you should feel threatened”.

“Zayn is beautiful. I embraced that already”. Louis will never be able to understand how can Liam be logical and calm all the time. “Life isn’t about straight As, University plans and taking the football team to the finals Louis.” Here comes the speech “You ought to take it easy and share it with someone, before it all passes you by”. Liam reasons.

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