Chapter 1 - The Get Out of Hail Free Card

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Sorry for the delay, my exams are starting so I've been a bit busy. I don't really have an update schedule either but I'm aiming for at least one per week. Also this chapter felt a little rushed so lemme know what you think. 

As per usual criticism is greatly appreciated

Hope you Enjoy!

[February 3rd 2045]

At this point everyone knew of the total annihilation of the Ladia island with an incomprehensible amount of damage and casualties. 

The world had turned into utter chaos at this point, and much of the worlds government wanted an answer

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The world had turned into utter chaos at this point, and much of the worlds government wanted an answer. And soon after the explosion had gone off, Union operatives were dispatched. 

Union itself is a decentralised government, founded by the League of Nations as a global police force of sorts. Situated on Union Island, you can find ground breaking medicine, warfare capabilities and more. Almost of of the island was on high alert, especially the world renowned 'Union Academy', where the saviours of tomorrow are made. 

But they weren't the only people there. 

See the world was very large, made up of multiple of countless empires, continents all of which are fighting for control, which is why when this explosion occurred they all jumped to occupy what ever did it first.

But where is the our protagonist during such a tense time?


???: Hah, keep running all you want, I ALWAYS CATCH MY PREY!


Rafa: *scared panda noises*

Flashback to the Explosion...

Y/N had opened his eyes to see the destruction unraveling around him. He forgot how he got there, but all he knew was being naked in a massive crater wasn't a good sign. As he groggily stood to his feet, his mind flashed to the dead body of Rafa. 

His tears once again poured from his eyes as he through of his now deceased best friend. He once again looked around the area, he didn't know what happened to him or why everything exploded but leaving the crater was his first priority. 

However before he could leave he felt a ticklish lick on his leg and he heard a very memorable sound.

Rafa: *panda noises* 

Y/N: Rafa! 

He grabbed the furball and tossed into the air and spun him around multiple times before pulling him into a tight hug

Y/N: Don't scare me like that bud!

Rafa: *annoyed panda noises* 

Y/N: Ooh, sorry. 

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