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"Bella Doragūn Pyro.....What thought it be something fancy?"


"22 now...My 21st was when this sh!T storm started with the demons and crap."


"I'm human..."
(Kitsune-Arcane Kitsune
Male Mage + Female Kitsune = Arcane Kitsune)


"How about you f**k around and find out?"
(Bella was once a very sweet and kind individual. She still can be, but with the deaths of well, thousands, and her family being one of the victims of the churches accusations, she sorta stopped caring for people in general. She still fights for those who need and deserve it. She will always help those in need, but if it's a drunk or some jerk she will be more likely to break their nose then help them. She's very intelligent due to her studies of her father's work. Though sometimes due to her knowledge she can come off as a worrier. When she joined the trio for their quest to defeat Dracula, she did sorta become the "mom" friend. Always worried when someone is hurt, eating certain things, and what not. So in a way the trio brought back out that kind side of her. When it comes to love and happier feelings though, it is foreign to her. She has trouble understanding it at first, but soon she will come to realize what they are.)


"I don't look all that different if I'm being honest... Nothing particularly unique about me."
(She has two different colored eyes. Her right is yellow while the left is a sapphire blue. Almost like the sun and a sea on moonlit night. When she does show her kitsune features they are actually a dark purple color. Much like Alucard, she can transform into a fox."


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Clothes:"I don't like bringing attention to myself

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"I don't like bringing attention to I dress like a knight in armor...most think I'm a dude till I take the helmet off..less problems. I also disguise my voice too."

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