Chapter 18 (✨Three princesses✨)

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Time skip. . .

it has been a week since you became her servant/butler, but to her your a friend maybe m- (ok too many hints.) well today is a special day for her but not for you. 😈

you went down the stairs from where you entered and your motorcycle is safe and sound. 

Max: phew. 

Anya: you have a new task.

Max: what?

System: task; 

protect Psyche at all cost

Reward: ???

Time limit: 10 minutes

Punishment if unable to do so: death

Max: oh well this won't get a lot more complicated. 

A/N: or so he thought. 

Max: wha- 

Psyche: MAAAAX what's taking you so long?

Max: Uhh, just be at the entrance, I'll be there in a minute. 

you then rode your motorcycle to the entrance, startling the guards 

Guard 1: wha-what is that thing!?

Max: it's okay it won't do anything unless I turn it on. but don't touch it or you'll umm, pass out?

Then they passed out. 

Max: was is really that scary? 

Psyche: Hey Max ove- what's that?

Max: oh this? this is a gift from a distant relative, he's an inventor. 

Psyche: wow, you're relative must be amazing. well we need to get going they are waiting for me. 

Max: oh right. 

after a few minutes they were close to the City. but one thing kept them busy . . .


Psyche: what- 

Max: Psyche get down!?

someone shot an arrow from the window 

???: we've got ourselves a lucky treasure. 

Bandit 1: Boss let's play with her before we sell her. 

Bandit 2: I'm going first. 

Bandit 3 no I'm going! 

Boss: shut up nitwits, kill them except for that fine young lady. she's going make us rich once we sell her at the black market.

he said as he licked his lips, which made her cry as little tears ran down her face 

Max: stay here Psyche, whatever you do, do not go out of this carriage. 

you smiled at her, reassuring that she'll be fine. you've got bigger things to worry about, you only have 10 minutes to knock them out or else. 

Max's mind: damn you Anya. 

Anya: what you can't blame me, blame the system. 

System: 💢💢

Well he knocked them out, in just 3 minutes, using your techniques learned from a very well known family back in your day. 

Psyche: wow that was- 

Then he saw an arrow pointing at her 

Max: Psyche watch out!!

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