Above All Else

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It was another starry Saturday night to cuddle up by the fire .Mom's warm smile hinted it was time. With hand-knitted blankets on, we huddle round the fire place expecting something magical tonight.
"Alright, musketeers."
Dad's hushed voice somehow held a sense of excitement.
"Who's ready for another adventure of a lifetime? Just that this time- no more adding unicorns into the story, please Lula?"
"But Dad-"
Mom's giggling interrupted, saying
"Lula honey, this time your father has something better than just unicorns."
I wondered if could there be anything more fascinating than flying colorful horses.
" Oh yeah? I'd choose cars over a pumpkin carriage"
He always has to say something just enough to make my blood boil.
"Now now, Wallace let's not start this again or your sister here is going to-"

With full force I start throwing
cushions before Dad picked me up and got me to my room. Poor Wallace was hiding & clinging on to "dear life"- or should I say Mom.

The door shuts."Lula Rose Jeremiah..." I know, I know. I should've keep my mouth shut &hands to myself.But it feels so- whats the word?Unfair?Unsettling? UPSETTING.Yup,that's the word.It's like I can't not do anything when being picked on- especially for what I believe in.

"Dad,I'm sorry.I couldn't control my-"

"Lula my love,you were brave tonight." His smile lit up those kind brown eyes.One thing about Papa was he understood without me having to explain.All i had to do was throw words & he'd put em together.With a sigh of relief I gave him the biggest hug."I saw you.At the playground this morning.I'm guessing your brother & those friends of his haven't been kind lately,huh?" Told ya,Papa hears me in the silence.

"Papa,all I wanted was to join in & play football.They told me I was a girl & should be at home playing with dolls instead.When I asked them why,Wallace told me to shut up.I refused & demanded an answer. That's when that boy Chester pushed me- so I slapped him.He started crying & everyone chased me away saying I was 'troublesome'. "

Reassuringly he smiled as we sat on the edge of my bed."Well, aren't you a warrior princess.I'm afraid the only thing we're missing right now is your white horse, mi lady.However,Rover does have some fur,four paws,a waggy tail & a wet nose.Hope that works for you.your Highness." Our laughter made me forget everything else.We knelt down to pray after reading "Noah & His Ark" before bed.

I learnt something that night.

Never stop believing in love even when all you see is hate.

And above all else- the Creator sees you.Its what Papa taught me.
Little did I know this phrase would turn out to be a life saving one someday.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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