Chapter 1

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Saturday, 6:30 am. Somewhere in
Inazuma City

Shikanoin Heizou is the Tenryou Commission's number 1 detective. There had recently been a homicide case in Inazuma City, and of course, Heizou was put on the case. His subordinates provided him with all the information they had at the moment, which wasn't a lot. They could only find out that the murder happened at night, there were no witnesses, and that the person seems to be a woman in her early 20's. It looked like she was on her way to a party. She was wearing a tight red dress, golden hoop earrings, a pearl necklace, and a diamond ring. They couldn't make out who it was though, for her face had been all covered in cuts and slashes. All of her finger tips had been cut off, thus her fingerprints were not visible.

Heizou arrived at the scene and winced at the terrible smell. "Disgusting.." Heizou thought. "Have you found out anymore information about the woman?" Heizou asked one of the police officers guarding the area from any passerbys from getting in. "Well we did find a small cloth covered in a sleeping drug of some sort. We haven't figured out which one it is yet. The killer must've used this so she wouldn't make any noise during the act." The police officer said. "A sleeping drug, huh. She must've fallen asleep almost immediately." Heizou said, inspecting the cloth with gloves. "Wait, doesn't Y/n use a lot of sleeping drugs? No no.. it must be a coincidence. I'm overthinking, she would have never." Heizou thought to himself. "People don't sell drugs in this city. The Tenryou, Kanjou, and Yashiro commission have been doing a good job keeping an eye out. We haven't had one reported in a few months." The police offer said, interrupting Heizou's thoughts. "I see, thank you for your time." Heizou said, walking off. "No problem, just doing my job" Said the police officer.

Heizou decided to go home, he and his girlfriend Y/n lived there together. Y/n was a trouble maker. She had committed a ton of crimes, but she had never actually been arrested because Heizou always let her off the hook. He had given her 'special privileges', he had a soft spot when it came to his girlfriend, he could never let her be arrested. He knows that he could lose his job due to this but he hoped that she would change, he's told her countless times to stop but she never listened. He still believes she can though.

As Heizou was walking home, he was thinking "No there's no way. She could never. Sure, vandalism, stealing, arson, but murder?! I'll just talk to her to make sure I'm correct-- I mean I know I am but--... I just want to make sure. If she did do it, why, who, what made her do it? It wouldn't be like her. She has a ton of friends, I don't believe she had any enemies." That was right, Y/n didn't have any enemies, well anymore. Heizou knew mostly everything about her. What he didn't know is what happened in highschool. Y/n never told him, she didn't have a reason to. As Heizou was thinking, he bumped into someone, knocking over the stuff they were holding so Heizou stopped to help pick up what they had dropped. When he finished he apologized again and rushed home.

Heizou opened the wooden sliding door, took off his shoes and walked inside. He went to the living room where Y/n was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. "Good morning, darling," Y/n said, following that with a yawn and soft smile. She had dark eye bags underneath her eyes because she had sleeping insomnia, thus, she's been prescribed with a ton of different sleeping drugs- which Neve seem to work, no matter what she does. Why is she holding a cup of coffee? No idea. Heizou looked at Y/n and frowned. "Good morning, love. Your eye bags are incredibly dark, have you been getting any sleep? You have been taking what you've been prescribed, correct?" "Yes, I have been taking them, but they aren't exactly working. I may need to take larger quantities." "No. Don't even think of doing that. You taking them at all is bad, but you need sleep. Currently there isn't any other option. Maybe we should go back to the doctor." "But they're all the way back in Liyue! It'll be a waste of time and money. Plus, we would have to take a ship and you know I easily get seasick." "I know but it's the best option we have right now. I promise you'll get better if we do. That is what you want, no?" He said with a soft smile, putting his hands on hers. "Okay, fine I'll go. Just keep your promise, alright?" "Of course, darling." Heizou suddenly got a flashback from when they were back in highschool, on their first date. They had promised each other that they would always be together, no matter the situation. "I love you, Y/n." Heizou said "I love you more, Heizou!"Y/n said, pulling Heizou into a tight hug. "We'll go next week, okay? I have a case I need to finish currently." "Oh okay, what's the case about this time?" "A woman in her early 20's was murdered at night, and was drugged with a sleeping drug of some sort, that's why I came to see you." Heizou said "Oh you suspected it was me, right?" "Well, not exactly, but knowing your criminal record I'm about 70% sure." Heizou said jokingly. "Well you suspected right.." Y/n mumbled under her breath, Heizou heard her. "What?! Are you serious right now?!" Heizou said shocked and angry at the same time, "I've let you off the hook too many times now, you've done vandalism, you've stolen things, and you have committed arson just for fun countless times even after I have told you to stop! When will you learn?! What is wrong with you?!" Heizou gasped at the realization of his words. "Wait-- no, darling- I didn't mean it. The words just slipped out of my mouth-- I wasn't thinking. You know I would never say that." Heizou started panicking, not wanting to lose the love of his life because of a few words he accidentally said. "Well you just did. You obviously were going to say it anyways. Why did those words come into your head? You did want to say those words, don't lie." Y/n said, face down, tears streaming down her face. Y/n's mind went blank. She didn't know what to do. "Is Heizou going to arrest me? Does he hate me? Am I going to lose him? I shouldn't have said that!" Those were the only things clouding Y/n's head. She wasn't thinking right, she wanted to run, so she did.

Y/n got up from the couch, pushed Heizou out of the way, shocking him, and running out of the living room towards the sliding door. She slipped on her shoes and ran out. Heizou was completely confused, he didn't know what she was doing. He wasn't going to arrest her, but he soon figured out why she was running. She thought that he was going to arrest her, but he wasn't going to. He simply wanted to talk to her.

Mei was running, where to? She didnt know. She was just running and sobbing. She got many stares because of it, but she didn't care. She looked back to see Heizou chasing her. "This is it, my ending, my consequence." She thought "Geez... I'm being so dramatic... Haha... I probably look so bad right now... " She thought while wiping her tears with her sleeve ; but tripping in the process. She quickly brought herself up but thought for a second, why run? She doesn't know where to go and she'll eventually run out of stamina. "He's gonna catch me anyway. There's no point in running now. " She thought. Heizou caught up with her and grabbed her hand aggressively. He practically dragged her back into the house so no one would hear their conversation. He pinned her to the wall so she wouldn't run away and said " I'm not arresting you." He looked deeply into Y/n's eyes. "You're not?" Y/n looked at him, shocked. "I won't, but this is the last time I'm letting you get away with it. If you commit anymore crimes though, I'll arrest you. For real this time." "I promise, I won't. I'll even try talking Scara out of it as well." "Thank you, Y/n." Y/n smiled "I love you, Heizou. I'm sorry for saying those things to you."  "I love you too, Y/n. I'm sorry as well." Heizou grabbed Y/n's face and aggressively kissed it multiple times. Heizou brought her to the couch without breaking the kiss and plopped her down on it. (Again, pinning her down) "Heizou..." Y/n said shocked "This isn't the time, love" Y/n said, slightly disappointed with her words. "Ah- uh- of course." Heizou said, clearing his voice and getting up. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." Heizou said, turning around, embarrassed. Mei tightly hugged him from the back. "Don't worry, maybe next time, darling." Y/n whispered into his ear.


This is my first fanfiction so I'm a bit nervous about posting it. Though, let me know what you thought about it! I also started crying when writing this. (I didn't read it again so please let me know if there are any errors I made)

Word count: 1624

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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