New Darkness

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Sadao's POV

It was just another morning at the crowded apartment. I sat at the table annoyed as I listened to Ashiya yell at Urushihara about getting off the computer to do the dishes. I wish those two would stop bickering all the time.

"You know for a boy that lead a whole army and took over an entire country single handedly in Ente Isla, you sure are one lazy bum Lucifer!" He shouted and pointed to the purple haired kid on the floor. Urushihara rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Would you not call me Lucifer so loud? The land ladies back ya know, dingus. And besides..." He turned around smirking to Ashiya "...I'm only doing what you told me to do, researching magic sports for lord MgRonald over here." He said pointing to me.

I grinned at him "your just jealous that I am the assistant manager!" I said proudly. "I'm taking over this world one establishment at a time" I thought proudly. "Ya doubt it." He grunted. Ashiya pointed at him getting angrier. "And besides you're not doing research! You just play online games all day and track people with your stupid devices that put us in great debt I may add." Urushihara just shrugged.

I put on my MgRonalds visor and headed for the door. "Well I'm off to my shift. Try not to kill each other you too." Ashiya saluted me. "I will try my hardest sire." As I opened the door leading out of the apartment building I felt it hit someone as I saw Emi go tumbling down the stairs.

"Oops sorry" I chuckled at her as she gave a look that screamed murder. "You idiot! Can I go one day without getting a concussion from these damn stairs!?" She cried out. "What are you doing here anyway? Stalking us some more?" She stood up and brushed off her skirt before her face went serious. "Actually I have something very important to discuss with you."

I walked passed her towards my bike. "Well can it wait? I'm on my way to my shift at-" "this is important Sadao." She interrupted me. I looked her and saw how grave she looked. I sighed pulling out my phone to text Chiho to ask if she could cover my shift. Within seconds she replied. "Of course Mr. Maou! Anything for you! <3"

"Alright what is it Emi?" She started up the stairs back towards the apartment. "We'll talk inside." What is with her? I followed her up to my apartment. As we opened the door, Ashiya was attempting to pull Urushihara up but he was holding onto the table as they were yelling at each other. They froze when we walked in and I shot them a look. They quickly scrambled to sit down around the table as Emi and I sat down.

"What seems to be the problem sire?" Ashiya asked concerned. I shrugged. "I dunno. Emi's got something to tell us. Emi?" I looked at her for her to start.

"A while back in Ente Isla, I uncovered a spy who I believed to be yours in our army. She was believed to be on our side but she went rogue and took out an entire sector of our army on the North island after gaining acceptance as a highly ranked soldier. With the fact that she was dangerous and she has gotten important information of our army's plans, I couldn't let her go back to you. I had a message sent to you that we had taken her hostage. Do you remember her?"

My eyes were wide. I knew exactly who she was talking about. Ashiya sat quietly while Urushihara sat uninterested resting his head on the table. "Lilith." I seared under my breath. Urushihara's head shot up as Ashiya suddenly became aware as well.

"So you do know her. And here I thought you just used up all of your workers before throwing them out. You never responded to the message." She said. "She was my greatest spy. Very cunning and dangerous. She had gotten me lots of useful information before you got to her." I tried to remember her face. "However I had not the time nor means to be able to risk trying to get her back."

Emi continued. "Well she has been kept in a hostage prison on the North island since. I received word from Emeralda about an hour ago that she has escaped and a gate was opened about a mile off of the prison. We have reason to believe she is here in Japan in search of us but we don't know for sure."

"Sooo...Basically what I'm hearing is that your gonna get your ass kicked and I'm gonna get one of my greatest assassins back? How exactly is this bad for me?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Do I have to spell it all out for you? You left her! In the dungeon to die! The one she devoted her loyalty to and risked her life in the war for, left her to the enemy! Don't you think she'll be the slightest bit angry at that? Besides we don't even know for sure if she's here or not." I took a second to process everything Emi was saying.

"Oooooh. So she's coming after both of us. Lilith. The girl known as the She-Devil. Ok......WHAT THE HELL WE ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Urushihara shrugged. "Your getting all worked up about that girl? She wasn't so tough. Some demon king you are." I turned to him probably way more panicked than I should be right now. "Lucifer! She is strong and she's angry and she's coming for us! What if she comes while I'm at work and destroys the place! I'll have to start all over at a new location and then I'll never be the top pepper fries seller!" He sighed uninterested and turned back to the laptop.

He and Lilith had somewhat of a friendship if I remember. Well actually I wouldn't call it a friendship but more of an argue-everytime-they-see-each-other kind of relationship. Kind of like me and Emi but I'm not sure she wanted him dead. Point is it's been a long time since we have seen her and I know she was powerful. It's hard to tell how this could play out.

"Um. Hey pepper fries check this out." I turned to him bitter for mocking me and looked at what he was showing me. It was a news website of live coverage of down town. "A mysterious girl that appears to have large black feathered wings is currently terrorizing citizens in down town Sasazuka. As authorities gather no one is sure what to do about the frightening scene. This is no human and everyone is advised to evacuate the area quickly." He turned to me asking "do you think it could be her?"

I was pretty positive as I turned away from the screen. "Shit. I guess we'll have to head down there." Urushihara complained about going so finally Emi, Ashiya, and I were off headed toward the sounds of explosions.

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