Am I Really Enough For Her?

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It was a question that had been plaguing Nagisa's mind for months.

This type of thinking begun shortly after the relationship between Akari (Haruna Mase) and Nagisa became public. The relationship was exposed as a fan recognised Akari as Haruna Mase and they had seen her and Nagisa exchange a short kiss. Minutes later the post from the fan began trending all over Twitter as Akari has never once had a romantic scandal in her time as an actress.

The day that post went live Akari had to make an announcement concerning the kiss and she and Nagisa chose for the relationship to go public. As the relationship became public interviewers began to pry into Nagisa's personal and eventually they learnt his name and occupation.

The eventual revelation of Nagisa's name and career led to Nagisa being publicly harassed and cussed at by obnoxious fans who wished for Akari to date a famous actor. And after weeks of this behaviour online and in person it had begun to affect him. Nagisa always struggled with self esteem issues and this propelled it to new heights.

Especially when he was sly remarks were made about him by Akari's co-stars. When he tagged along with Akari to interviews or the premiere of a new movie there would be other famous actors who made remarks about Nagisa just out of ear shot of Akari but loud enough for Nagisa to hear. sometimes they said it to his face and Nagisa never brought it up to Akari as it would result in an argument he didn't want.

If an argument started because of him it could easily affect Akari's career so he always kept silent.

The constant death threats, cyber stalking, doxxing and harassment led to Nagisa questioning of he was truly enough to make Akari happy.

Compared to all these famous actors hr had begun to feel as if he was Terasaka being compared to someone like Karma. That's how he felt about himself in terms of his appearance. He felt as though he didn't deserve a woman like Akari and that he should stay in his own league.

Akari had picked up on this a couple weeks ago. She had felt that Nagisa's behaviour was a bit off and after pressing him she discovered the truth. She comforted him and told him that he had seen her ugly side yet he treated her the same, all these other actors would have abandoned her in a heartbeat upon seeing her savage attempt at killing Korosensei. Yet Nagisa remained by her side and supported snd accepted her. This had certainly reassured Nagisa.... for a brief period of time.

Eventually the comments started to get to him again and he was now even further gone than before. He was now seriously considering breaking up with her. At least then she would find someone who would give her the happiness she deserves even if it caused himself to be in pain.

Suddenly, Karma had called Nagisa out for drinks. It was to celebrate a promotion that he had gotten just earlier that day and he wanted to celebrate with his closest friend so Nagisa agreed to go out.

Upon arriving at the bar, the two quickly met with each other and exchanged greetings. They had sat down at a table and ordered drinks. Nagisa had begun to congratulate Karma on his promotion and the two talked for a while about their day to day lives. Suddenly a drink was thrown into Nagisa's face and he was cussed at, this had become a regular thing for Nagisa but this was the first time Karma had seen it happen. His face was blank as it took him a while to process what just happened and then became red with rage moments later.

Before he acted upon his instincts he looked at Nagisa's face. He recognised that this has become a common occurrence for his best friend and he immediately knew why. Shortly after he figured it out he pounced on the drunk man and gave him a beating of a lifetime, even though it was the first time he had fought in years he retained his skills and speed and made quick work of the mess of a man.

After this incident he dragged Nagisa out of the bar after paying for the drinks and damage to the bar that he caused. He demanded an explanation as he wanted to make sure he had everything correct and because he wanted to hear it with his own ears. His suspicions were confirmed.

After Nagisa's relationship with Akari became public this had become a common thing for Nagisa to experience if he went to a place full of drunks. He had forgotten about it until he been splashed with beer just earlier as Nagisa doesn't really go to bars as he can barely hold his liquor. Nagisa revealed everything that he had experienced up to that point. All the threats, stalking, doxxing and harassment became common knowledge to Karma and this horrified him. After all, this best friend had been undergoing this for months and not a single soul actually knew, not his mother, not his friends and not even Akari.

Nagisa also chose to reveal that he plans on breaking up with Akari so that she can find someone who could make her happy. But before Nagisa could even finish the sentence he was sent flying by Karma who had punched him into a wall. He was immediately shouted at and scolded. Karma knew that to convince Nagisa that Akari is happy with him he would have to drop some facts onto Nagisa.

Karma began to inform Nagisa that throughout the last 3 months of middle school Akari had a crush on him. He made her happy when he accepted her with all her flaws, he made her happy when they shared all those moments in Class E, he made her happy when they all flew to the Southern Island to visit her when she was filming a movie (from Korotan D), he made her happy when they shared a dance together (from Korotan D), he made her happy when he saved her when she fell from a helicopter (from Korotan D). He listed examples of how and when he made her happy for 20 minutes straight.

Karma also had advice for Nagisa from Korosensei himself even after his death. In his guidebook given by Korosensei he had given advice concerning Nagisa and Kayano, if they ever dated and if their relationship ever became public Karma should be there for Nagisa as there will be fans who will try convince Nagisa that he isn't good enough for her. It was also included in Sugino's guidebook just in case.

This nostalgic fest and the advice from Karma had snapped him out of this phase. Nagisa broke down in tears. He had been so dumb for even considering ending the relationship that brought him and Akari so much happiness. He hadn't even considered it, he hadn't considered anything except the chance that she could be happier without him. It was his mistake. He couldn't thank Karma enough for saving his relationship and for dragging him out of this rut that he had been in for months.

After it was over his conscious was clear, he no longer thought that he wasn't good enough for Akari. Its her choice who she dates and he just happens to be her partner. There is no league in terms of dating.

Upon his concious being cleared he realised that these past few days he has been pretty distant. Considering that they were both 25 he thought why not and bought an engagement ring, he bought it partly to make up for the past few days and because he WANTED this. They had been dating for 3 years at this point and considering that they have been best friends for years its not strange that he's chosen to propose.

Upon arriving home to Akari he noticed that she was preparing dinner for the two of them. After she was done they both sat down for dinner and had a small conversation about their day and before long Nagisa opened up to her about these thoughts hes been having these past few months which caused a bit of pain for Akari to hear, she didn't he was still going through this. Nagisa than proceeded to open up about him thinking of breaking up with her for her happiness which would've caused Akari to slap him if he didn't follow it up by talking about how hes gotten through everything and he now recognises that it will cause the two of them unimaginable pain if they break up.

After this, Akari cooled down and Nagisa followed up by saying that he wishes to always be her lover as he bent down on one knee to propose. This caused tears to well up in Akari's eyes as she agreed to the proposal and the two of them exchanged a hug followed by a deep and passionate french kiss that lasted for a minute.

After the passionate kiss Nagisa slipped the ring onto Akari's fingers and the next day she announced to the world that her boyfriend had now become her fiance. Of course she made sure that Nagisa was ok with it and he doubled down saying that he knows they're meant to be and that he won't ever let those thoughts win.

(My 2nd fanfic, just under 1.6k words. Thanks for reading my fanfic if you made it this far)

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