Black As Night

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A high-pitched neigh filled the cool, night air. The moon shone bright in the sky, stars dancing around it. Mares grazed quietly, their sleeping foals lying in the grass. The herd's lead stallion stood watch while his lead mare stood guard over the young. Ears pricked forward as a young mare, her coat black as night, ran across the valley in front of the wild herd. The stallion watched the strange mare, waiting to see if she was a threat. As she continued to run, he decided she wasn't going to attack, and proceeded to calm down his startled herd.

On and on she ran, desperate to get as far away from the village as possible. The wind whipped against her face, her mane and tail flowing behind her. Finally, when she could no longer run, she skidded to a halt and collapsed. Lying on her side, she felt grateful for the cool grass agaisnt her coat. Not worrying about her mane and tail becoming knotted with the long grass, she lied there until morning.

When the moon fell and the sun began to appear, the mare woke in pain. Letting out a strangled cry, she felt her bones shifting and popping in and out of place. Her desperate neighs slowly turned to human sobs.

Standing up in the same clothes she went to bed in, the young girl took a step forward. Seeing her village in the distance, she slowly made her way back, tears staining her cheeks. The other day when she had overheard her parents talking about a curse, she paid no attention, believing it was about someone else.

As she passed the same wild herd from during the night, she heard their neighs of surprise and confusion. Looking down at the track she was on, her eyes followed the hoof prints that had been created earlier that morning. Tearing her eyes away from the tracks, she realized the curse her parents had mentioned was about her. Her hair hung in a knotted mess, full of leaves and mud. Her hair, black as night.


Hey! So this is my newest book I've been working on. Please tell me what you think and comment if you want the next part. Thank you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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