Starry Nights} Fred Weasley

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[ Requested]

OC used is name Opal Black:

Sirius Black's daughter

House: Gryffindor

In the dimly lit girls dormitory, one of the girls lays awake. Unable to fall into a silent slumber, she lays under the silk sheets which feels soft against her skin, but not comfortable enough to sleep to tonight. Slowly the brunette pushed the covers off her and pulled on on her black robe with a deep red interior. Stepping on the rugged floor, quietly slipping on her shoes. She heads down to the Gryffindor common room.

Making sure no one was around, the young Gryffindor slips through the entrance hole and makes her way around the castle. Little did she know another wasn't asleep at this time, and planned on following her.

Finally after sometime of climbing stairs and walking down corridors, almost being seen by Miss Norris, luckily she was distracted by a rat. The girl made it to the astronomy tower. She pauses inside the classroom just before heading up to the top of the tower into the cool night air. Her eyes already adjusted to the darkness in the room, she could make out the desks and seats and neat the front of the room she had seen a large golden globe. Before she could look for anything else, she heard someone messing the door form the outside.

Before she could think, her body made a run for the stairs and up to the open air of the night. Once at the top she silently cursed to herself, cause she had nowhere else to go, she prayed that whoever was there didn't see her. She made her way to the side of the tower so she could look down on the greatness of the castle, where she gets to learn to be a wonderful witch. With her eyes distracting her by slowly lifting her head up to starry sky, the stars were clear to see because there was no moon in sight. Occupied by the beautiful star filled night, she was unaware of her red-headed visitor coming up from the class below.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?"

With surprise of the voice breaking the silence of the nigh, the girl jumps in terror of the someone behind her and near the stairs. She turns and to her surprise it was one of the Weasley twins, well the Weasley twin she actually had a crush on since she's gotten to know them. The twin that was in front of her was no other than Fred Weasley. With his short, Weasley famous red hair, and his no good grin. Which he wasn't showing off, in fact he had a very different look on his face.

His face had a soft look of concern and interest . "Do I have something on my face?" he asked, slowly bring a hand to his face. Embarrassed that she had stared at him for to long, with a quick, "No," she turned back to the stars, her face burning.

Fred chuckles softly and steps near her side by the wall of the tower, "You're Opal Black, right?" he asked gently, tilting his head a bit, and looking down towards her.

" The one and only," pausing for light laugh, with her face still a rosy red, she looks up into his deep brown eyes, and continues, "Fred Weasley, right?" smiling afterwards. With a of surprise, then wore a soft grin, "Wow, would you look at that," he replied with a faint scoff, "Someone who can tell us apart." he finishes with a slight pained smile.

His eyes look upward to the stars above,and the pained smile leaves his face and turns to a pleasant one.Opal's eye's made their way from his jawline, to the pink in his cheeks, up to his eyes, and finally to the starry sky.

After a bit a chilling breeze blew over the two, the cool wind blew through Opal's robe and sent chills down her spine.Fred looks over and realizes that you were now shivering. " Ah, crap you're shivering," he steps closer to her side, "Here, if you want to get closer, I'm pretty warm." he said witha sweet caring look.

Opal, who at the time was hypnotized by his eyes, walked closer. Fred then put his arm around her, pulling her just a bit closer to his side. Opal who was still looking up at him, her face flushed while Fred was looking down at her. He spoke softly, " My mother used to tell me and George," his gaze moved to the stars over head, "that the brightest stars in the sky were filled with the most wishes." His mouth formed a line and continued. " Not sure why she told us that, but" he looked back down into Opal's eyes, " it got us to start wishing on all the dim stars," he paused and looked out again.

Opal who had finally gotten out of his trance looked out too. Laying her head against is chest, little did she know Fred's face was flushed, trying to ignore it as best he could but ended up smiling like an idiot. As they both watched the sky, one thing that caught both of their eyes, "Shooting stars!" Opal had said excitedly.With the same excitement Fred replied, "Make a wish." Fred watched as Opal's eyes squeezed close, and quietly spoke his own wish, " I wish i could kiss you."

Opal's eyes opened, she turned her face, completely flushed now, up towards his, "You know if you say it out loud, it won't come true."

Fred side eyes her , and says while showing off the twin famous, no good grin.

" Are you so sure about that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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