Scarlet Cinderella: A Fairytale For The Villains

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The night goes tick and tock to the chime of the clock─ on a serenade of time in this moonlit masquerade. Everybody fled to the dance hall wearing fancy dresses and expensively flashy jewels, with the sound of the clacking glittery shoes. Lastly were the graceful masks that silhouette not only each other's faces but also the sentimental hearts.

People began to sway side by side, looking for their partners and escorts on the way─ 𝗌𝗈me ladies went and got their first waltz while the others chose to be a wall flower, unbending to the norms of this society's caste games.

Once the music started to play the oasis was born in the sacred floors, scattered where the dancing maidens like the floral petals of a chrysanthemum in bloom. Skirts swaying on each side accompanied by the men's clacking of steps as the waltz went on, it was like a scene that came out from a fairytale─ only if the feelings engraved in that anecdote was that but of the real heart.

The dance hall then grew silent as the lights blinded all the guests, soon the moonlit palace was beaming with the entrance of an immaculate figure─ hair as dark as the ebony shade of the sky's bon voyage and eyes that shine like a timeless golden flare as if you are looking through the horizon of eternal beauty. It was the grandeur entrance of the enamored crown prince of Salvacionne, the first star and the future sun of the empire.

“How wonderful it is to be young, it is truly a mystery who his highness will choose for his first dance?”

“Who may be the lucky lady that will receive the crown prince's blessing?”

Those questions began to lurk in everyone's minds as well as the whispers that were once hidden now rekindled and lit a new rumor in the aristocracy.

“Greetings to your majesty, the sun of the empire─ I have come to give you my regards.”

Walking by the luxurious carmine tinted carpet, the awkward lad came to greet his father sitting on the throne, still whilst his words the man in front of him stayed in silence like an ice statue─ cold as ever as how a king should be towards his subjects. It was what he was taught ever since his birth and so did he not understand those principles at first but as he grew up in this environment of “prove your worth” for survival, he began to see the true intentions of a man's thirst for power. “a noble should not show his emotions as well as his imperfections, for those flaws could become your weakness”─ that was but another teaching from the emperor to his successor, to be ruthless and wise in making decisions. Though the king may find his treatment as inevitable, the prince never once acknowledged that reality because he was not his subject─ he was his son, his own flesh and blood. The young man then thought that in the first place there was supposed to be no maternal love and filial pity in a family of royals, not that there is something he could still hope for.

“This way Prince Reinhardlt, the guests are waiting.”

Said the chancellor who then led the prince to the ball room where the nobles descended, with each moment that pass by him being observed by the uncanny aristocrats hoping to win over his good sides. In an empire where everybody's lives are greatly influenced by their classes, the prince who have just became an adult soon was forced to realize and accept that their is nothing but lies in the social circle that only sought to get his support─ as his disposition as a blue blood was what really mattered in power, and not that of who he truly is, as a person.

“It is a pleasure to be in the company of your excellency.”

“Indeed─ glory to his majesty the king of the empire!!”

“May the future sun of the empire also bless us!!”

“A toast for his highness the crown prince of Salvacionne.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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