The Coffee Shop

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The coffee shop was small and dimly lit, as Veronika sat down quietly in her usual seat and ordered her usual drink. Pushing her hair behind her ears, she glanced round the room, taking in the people around her.

There was a young couple over in the corner, kissing quietly; and the large man slipping whisky into his coffee; the tall business-woman who never had any company and the elderly couple who just sat and talked almost silently. Then Veronika's gaze drfited to the table directly across from her; there sat a young man, quietly sipping his coffee as he too gazed around the room.

Their eyes met breifly and Veronika dropped her head, blushing. He was gorgeous; perfect features, silkly brown hair, nice -looking body and see-through-your-soul chocolate brown eyes. Veronika smiled to herself just thinking about those eyes.

The chair scrapping against the floor on the other side of the table cause her to look up again, and she felt them widen in surprise. Chocolate brown eyes and perfect teeth smiled at her softly.

"May I sit here?" The stranger had an australian accent so beautiful it made Veronika's insides melt.

"Of course," Veronika whispered, "I'm Veronika, by the way." Seeing the stranger up close, Veronika realised she'd seen him somewhere else, but she couldn't seem to remember where.

"I'm Nathaniel." Nathaniel replied with a sweet smile, "But you can call me Nate."

That's when it clicked. NATHANIEL BUZOLIC! FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES! Veronika wanted to scream, but it seemed rude so she just smiled.

"Nice to meet you Nate."

Veronika wacthed him as he took the seat opposite her and smiled softly. "Can I buy you another drink?" Veronika blushed and looked down at her empty cup nodding shyly. She couldn't believe this; she simply couldn't figure out why Nathaniel Buzolic would be sat in her favourite coffee shop, it seemed too much of a coincidence.

When he returned with her coffee (and a little cake to share) Nate smiled at her again.

"Are you ok Veronika?" He asked and she blushed again.

"I just realised who you are." Veronika mumbled, her hair falling in front of her eyes. "I can't believe you're talking to me."

Veronika jumped as his hand touched her own, taking it in his, "You just seemed really sweet - different, but in a good way." She blushed as he said that and looked up, straight into those chocolate-brown eyes.

"You think?" Veronika asked, a smile playing across her lips. Nate nodded and she smiled fully, her cheeks rosy. Veronika took a sip of the coffee and it tasted even better with Nate looking at her that way; like he saw something in her no one else ever had before.

"You don't act like a fan." Nate smiled at Veronika, his eyes sparkling. Veronika liked the way his eyes sparkled; it was as though he saw the good in everything, and he was eager to see more. She shrugged.

"I wouldn't want to freak you out." She teased lightly and he smiled.

Veronika suddenly realised her hand was still resting in his and she twitched her fingers slightly so they were holding hands properly. She was elated when Nate looked at their entwined fingers with a gentle smile and held her hand slightly tighter than before.

They spoke for hours, exchanged phone numbers and, when it was time for Veronika to leave, Nate stood up with her and gave her a gentle hug.

As she rested in Nate's arms, Veronika felt safe - safer than she ever had before. She looked up at him, eyes wide. He was looking down at her, frowning softly. Overcome by the powerful feelings weling up inside of her, Veronika reached up onto her tiptoes and gently pressed her lips to Nate's.

"I'm really glad I met you..." she whispered, then, when Nate just stoof there, staring down at her, not saying a word, Veronika ran. Straight out the coffee shop and down the street.

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