Another bad day?

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The mad scientist acts like a mad scientist not an uwu boy
LMK if you see a typo im hella dyslexic and LMK if you like it!!!

"Oh for fuck sake!" Dottore shreaked throwing one of his 'subjects' to the ground. "Why must you all be so pathetic! Weak! Every last one of you are useless." He bellowed kicking the helpless subjects in the face repeatedly.

"Waste of my resources, my funding! How dare you get worse. How Dare you!" He yanked the subiects hair pulling them up to his face "Fucking pathetic" he spat throwing them back into their cell and storming out of the room slamming the door behind him.

He ran his fingers through his hair breifly."What the fuck are you looking at" Dottore spat almost choking Pantalone on the venom slipping off his tounge.

"Well my dear Doctor I was wondering what the commotion was I am trying to negotiate and all i
I can hear is banging and screaming. Try to keep it down. Remember you rely on my funding " Pantalone smiled his sickeningly sweet smile.

"I dont need you stupid fucking funding. I am you superior how dare you threaten me!" Dottore raised his hand very much intending to knock teeth out.

"Woah woah okay there Dottie I see you're not in a good mood I am sorry for disturbing you" Pantalone bowed his head toward Dottore in an attempt to be respectful. The man did want live to see another day.

"I will kill you all. Every last one of you will beg for my mercy!" Dottore swore turning to storm down the corridor to god knows where the thurther away he was the safer.

Pantalone quickly retreated to his office seating himself back down at his desk appolagising to his clients before continuing their conversation "so what are you planning to give me if I could... get my hands on this miracle cure you daughter's disorder?" Pantalone asked leaning forward to rest his chin on his linked hands.

"Co-ownership of our business sir, we run an arms company that supplies many nations as well as the fatui itself with guns and armour" the client explained hopefully. Pantalone sat silently for a few monents "That indeed would be a healthy supplementary income for the northland bank as well as the fatui's ongoing research" Pantalone looked out the window weighing the cons as well as the pros of the deal

'If I can get Dottore to give me one dose of the cure in return for an increase in funding would he agree? He said he doesnt need it... was that his temper talking or was he honest? Probably his temper there would be no harm in trying right?' He thought to himself before standing up

"I will write out a contract and get my hands on your cure. We will meet back here in 2 weeks for an exchange of the cure and paperwork. Understood?" Pantalone asked extending a hand to shake the clients hand. "Okay, Thank you. Thank you" they exclaimed quickly gathering their stuff and leaving probably to tell their daughter the good news.

Pantalone sat down and groaned. He knew he was going to be in for it, the Doctor is already pissed now he has to ask him for something he spent years researching and hiding from everyone? "Yeah I'm fucked" Pantalone told himself.

After a short while to come to terms with the a few possible outcomes from the next interaction Pantalone stood and returned to the Doctors lab knocking firmly on the door. After the sound of some shuffling came from the other side the door slowly opeaned

"Oh hello Dottore how are you today?" Pantalone smirked at the clone who stood watching him "Doctor is not here. He left. Leave at once" Pantalone chuckled at the robot's well... robotic response. This one must be the newest as the other clones had better programming even their own mannerisms. Probably so the Doctor could tell them apart.

"Thank you sweetheart I will be on my way" Pantalone chirped before turning on his heel to walk down the corridor Dottore sulked off down checking every room as he went most being classrooms to teach recruits how to use their weapons, dillusions and basic battle strategies for on the field.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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