hawkins is destroyed

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Will, Mike, Jonathan and Argyle and Bald Girl pull up into hawkins in the pizza van. Will looks out the window and everyone is sad. Dam. Will wonders why everyone is sad. It might be something to do with the big cracks in the ground.

Soon they get to the cabin in ze wood. Reunion moment, hugs. I'm not describing the reunion scene because I'm assuming if you're reading this you've already seen it.

Bald Girl looks dramatically into the horizon. Omg red cloud? 🤯

Joyce turns to her two sons and one daughter and one hot hubby. "Guys. We need to move out of hawkins."

"But mom we already did remember? We don't have to move out of hawkins because we don't live in hawkins anymore!" says Will but Joyce shushes him. "Well I want to be with my hubby and he dosent like lenora so we can't go back there."

All the characters have a meeting in the cabin. By all the characters I mean- Will, Bald Girl, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, (not max cuz she can't move), Erica, Jim, Joyce, Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Steve and Robin.( not eddie cuz he dead HA and even if he was alive he wouldn't be at the meeting cause he's annoying HA)

"OKAY YALL WE 'AV A PROBEM" said Jim very loudly. Like very loudly. Like when you're at an Irish disco and they play shut up and dance with me and everyone screams at the top of their lungs bc irish ppl rlly like that song for some reason.

Everyone discusses what they should do.

"We need to get out of here!" says Steve.

"No! We stay and fight. Vecna is still out there!" says Nancy.

"We defend Hawkins. We're the only ones who know what's really happening!" says Mike.

"mmm mushroom" says Argyle.

"Let's do a vote." says Jonathan.

They all nod.

"Hands up for defending hawkins, like not going after vecna, but being prepared for when he comes?"

Mike raises his hand and looks around the room, waiting for others to do the same. They all avoid eye contact with him. Wow. Embarrassing much? Defending hawkins was Mike's idea, and no one agreed with him. Well, not no one-

Robin raised her hand and smiled at mike. "I think we should defend hawkins, I agree with Mike."

But there was 13 of them, so they obviously weren't winning with just two people. Then Jonathan spoke again.

"Okay, that's two for defending hawkins. Hands up for going after vecna, and trying to kill him?"

Nancy, Jim, Lucas and Bald Girl raised their hands.

"Okay, thats four. Hands up for getting the hell out of here?"

Steve, Argyle, Jonathan, Joyce, Erica, Dustin and Will raise their hands.

"Okay thats seven. Looks like we are all getting out of here."

"But where the hell will we go?" says Erica. Argyle suddenly stops sniffing mushrooms and speaks up. "I know! We can go to my cousins town!"

Everyone turns to him. "You have a cousin? Where do they live?" Asks Jonathan.

"Some place called Seabrook, man. My cousin Eliza lives there and she says it's really cool."

They all turn to each other, wondering if they should go or not. "Argyle," Jonathan began. "Your cousin, did she say anything else about Seabrook?"

"Well dude, she's a zombie so first it was really bad for her cause she had no rights but she fought for them and yeah."

They all stared at him. "Wait- your cousins a zombie?" asked Steve, making a weird face.

"Yeah, dude."

So that's how they all decided to go to Seabrook.

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