feast for the beast

639 15 6

One shot

Heyy it's me the unholy

This contains smut and kind of non consensual...if you are uncomfortable kindly leave here.... it's just a imagination and have nothing to do with real life the author never support this in real life

Only some idol's name has been taken, the real persons have to do nothing with this

Don't spread hate..... rather leave untouched...


Total words in story 1417

Beomgyu pov

I am Choi Beomgyu,

A normal boy with a normal life living in a abnormal village

If you are wondering why it's a abnormal village than listen

My village is ruled by lord Kang....not a pleasant name to hear

Lord of the underworld

Everyone knows him and his Deeds

Authorities are full from the evidence against him

But still they can't do anything

That's the power of the said...

But still he is like a protector to our village

He protects us from the underworld

Once when this village was crying the agony of deaths

Murders were as common as the night

There comes lord Kang

Vowing to protect the souls

Doesn't he sounds like the knight??

Well he is more like the saint villain

No doubt he will protect us but in exchange of that he demands a hole to dump his arousal everyday

Everyday a new offering have to go to the palace to offer themselves to him irrespective of gender

Like I don't know why he even needs to do that?? He can just order his man to pick anyone just anyone??

Why does he needs to make a deal?

But as I think about it

It saves a lot of time for his workers....

Only need to doll up the new prey....

A prey like me

The villagers had a meeting among themselves

They say it's too much for them to offer their child

So it's decided that the orphans will be served

And after the night they will act like nothing happened

Villagers will act like nothing happened to the orphans

Well it's good in a way that they are not treated differently after the night with lord Kang

even are treated extra respectfully saying "they are the reason why we are protected"

But I have always dreamed about losing my everything to the one I love

Why it must be me!?

A/n pov

This exactly explains why Beomgyu's mind is completely hazy from all the drugs earlier shoved inside his mouth

Completely naked, only rose petals covering his body

Ass up and loaded with honey, showing and leaking everything he has to offer

Feast for the beast/One shot Where stories live. Discover now