Sorry 💔

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Author's Pov ;

Nanon furiously went inside Ohm's cabin without knocking. Ohm was busy working on his Laptop.

HOW DARE YOU TO RUIN MY FAMILY HAPPINESS AND THEIR DREAMS" Nanon came shouted at him with full rage. Making Ohm confused he got up from his chair and walked towards Nanon.

"What happened Nanon why are you shouting at m......" Before Ohm could say anything a tight slap landed on his face.

"How could you do this to my parents huh!.... Why did you dragged them into this mess.....such a HEARTLESS AND SELFISH PERSON.... YOU ARE OHM PAWAT" Nanon snapped at him coldly while grabbing Ohm by his shirt collars.

"You know what Nanon......every HEARTLESS PERSON had.... once truly LOVED SOMEONE.....who badly broke.... THEIR HEART. And about SELFISH PERSON huh!...... I BROKED MY OWN HEART.... AT SUCH YOUNG AGE BY LOVING SOMEONE MORE THAN MYSELF.....HOW SELFISH I'm NANON KORAPAT KIRDAPAN.... HOW SELFISH.... I'M" Ohm said sarcastically laughing...... his eyes got filled with tears. He quickly hold Nanon's wrist's tightly while removing them from his collars.

"My mind is trying to forget and hate you but.....this stupid heart of mine.... is still in love with you and waiting for you.... to accept me" Ohm said while placing Nanon's hand's on his cheeks.

"You know what Ohm..... sometimes the person we love the most... don't love us back..... accept the truth.... that I don't love you.... and never will. And after knowing about that how you tried to destroy my family reputation.....I hate you even more for this" Nanon said ignoring the lump forming in his throat.... tearing up while trying to pull his hands away from Ohm. He couldn't able to bear the pain in Ohm's eyes..... his heart was aching so much by seeing tears in his eyes.

"Nanon do you want know what the moral of the story is......... that don't fall in love.... otherwise you'll lose your gains" Ohm said laughing bitterly. He left Nanon's hands and cupped his face.

"Now congratulations Mr. Nanon Korapat lost a boy who loves you more than himself. And one more thing.... one day you will realise yourself that you lost someone who was totally yours" Ohm said tearing up while kissing Nanon's lips one last time deeply. In return Nanon also closed his eyes he didn't push Ohm this time.

After a while they parted away while making a pop sound......Ohm connect their forehead's and started to caressing his cheeks tenderly.

"I'm sorry again for forcing you and kissing you with my dirty lips..... I'm sorry for loving you crazily..... I'm sorry for everything sorry for forgetting about my status" *sniff* said Ohm while smiling bitterly at Nanon. He briefly see Nanon's face for one last time and left the Cabin with heavy heart.... tears start rolling down from his eyes continuously.

Unknown to them someone was watching them with heavy heart and tears in eyes.

"Maybe I don't cry infront of you....but it's hurt. Maybe I won't say...but I feel. Maybe I don't show......but I care. Maybe this is our end.....but I don't want......I love you too Phi Ohm.....I love you.....and I doesn't wanna give you any false hope.... I'm sorry" Nanon said crying loudly while falling on his knees.

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