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Pov: 3rd
The first thing that ran through Mukuro's head when he arrived into this world was 'Find your new sky'

Now initially when that message went through his head he smirked wondering what kind of person this 'new sky' would be

However, that excitement slowly faded as the years went by, 17 to be exact. Now when he met Tsunayoshi, he was 15 so it was already 2 years past the anticipated time for meeting his 'new sky' and it just wasn't something he looked forward to as much anymore

Not to say that he didn't feel excitement bubbling in his stomach occasionally when he thinks of this 'new sky' however, one of the things he's realized as the years went by was that this 'new sky' of his probably couldn't even hold a candle to his past sky, Tsunayoshi.

Now Mukuro was most definitely used to the process of grieving over the loss of his previous lives yet his most previous one still effected him to this day and was by far his favorite.

But that wasn't the only conclusion he came to over these past years. He also came to learn just how much more amusing this world was compared to his previous, and he couldn't help but wonder if the presence of a sky would make his time here even better, after all most sky's attract weird crowds

Current Time
Pov: Mukuro Destination: Jaya, Mocktown

'seems like we've finally arrived' I think while lazily opening one of my eyes to check out the approaching island

I stretch my arms above my head then lean back to stretch my back that aches from sitting six days straight "Finally we're on land, I was contemplating jumping in the ocean with how long it was taking" I say while turning then turn to my pet who was still sitting on the cloud I had created that I've dubbed as Ghost.

"Mukurowl, go scout the place and find me any information you can" I say while looking at the white owl who's eyes were the same as mine, I then turn to my new cloud companion "and you, Ghost, can go do whatever it is that you do." I say smirking a little before turning back around to look at the town.

While approaching the town only one thought was going through me head 'This place looks disgusting,' there was trash all over the floor and dirty men were seen everywhere you look 'I don't believe that I will be staying here that long' I think while sighing

I see a pub up ahead and decide to stop there and get a drink and a snack while I wait for Mukurowl to come back

I walk in and the first thing I noticed was how crowded the place was, 'It smells like sweat and throw up in here' I think while taking a seat at the bar

"Excuse me," I say while looking at the bartender "can I have some tea and a piece of the strawberry cake" I ask

I watch him prepare my drink for a second before deciding to turn around and check out the people at bar and listen in for any information about the town.


'It would seem that the 'top dogs' of the place is some kid named Bellamy and his followers' I think while taking a sip of my coffee

The guy behind the bar then comes back with my cake that looks to be pretty good considering the condition of the bar

Once I finished my tea and cake I grab my weapon and start to stand up getting ready to leave and find Mukurowl but stop when I feel three strange presences walking towards the bar 'they seem like they'll be interesting, kufufufu' I think smirking before sitting down again


Hello, Readers~                                                                                                                            Thank you for picking this out!!!!!!                                                                                               
This is my first story so sorry if it isn't the best but I am trying. Please share your opinions and what you think I should or should have done but please be nice or i will block you                                                                                                                                                                                      ~XOXO                                                                Author

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