9. Tests

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The morning was nothing as expected for Rose. She sighed and with a heavy heart finished her breakfast to leave that place as fast as she could. She made herself sit on the bedroom's giant bed and dipped her worried face in between her legs. She felt like crying out loud but the sound of someone's presence near the bedroom door made her reconsider that thought for a while. She was not really ready to face her husband again. Can't he just leave her alone for a while? She can't confront him, she can't tolerate his dominance anymore. Feeling the need for some alone time Rose decided to lock herself inside the bathroom for a while.

But the person at the door was not whom she assumed. It was Aaron peeping from the side of the wall but not entering the room. Why would he! He was angry.. how can he just show up inside the bedroom just because he wants to!

Rose gestured the little boy to come inside. Even though he was strongly determined not to respond to his Rose, he could not resist and after a minute of tapping his foot on the ground and thinking, he finally gave in. He was grumpy.

"What's up, little man?" Rose pulled him near.

"I will not talk to you." Furiously he said.

"I thought you love me." Seemed like the 5-year-old was the person most unhappy about her departure.

"You were gone. You didn't show up on my birthday. I was waiting for you, Rose."  Almost crying he nagged. It was his fifth birthday, and he wanted nothing more than his Rose's presence. While blowing out the candle he made a wish to see her soon.

"I was stuck somewhere, baby. I missed the flight." Rose draped her arms around the 5-year-old, trying to comfort him. The bond between them was so precious. It's like an escape from reality for Rose when she used to pass time with the little one. With his mother being mentally ill and always taken care of by the maids, Aaron never really received as much love as Rose offered him. Rose felt disheartened listening that his mother can not even recognize him anymore.

Rose's mind diverted and she felt lighter spending some time with Aaron.


Rose was doubting her decision to ask Emilia for help. But she can trust no one except her. Terrified by what Kevin said earlier she dropped the decision. It'll not be hard for him to figure out if Emilia gets her some pills. Rose believes that he has kept Emilia here as a walking reminder to not disobey him.

Regular doctor checkups were being done on Rose.

The maids around Rose are already behaving like she is pregnant. Rose is being kept like a porcelain doll. She earlier got used to staying inside this mansion but this time it is becoming more suffocating. First of all, she isn't ready for a baby, and second, there is always a constant fear of helplessness. No matter how well she is physically, she could feel her mental strength deteriorating day by day.

On the other hand, Kevin is already so excited about her pregnancy that he has stocked a bunch of pregnancy test kits in their room. After a week of Rose's arrival, he would make her take a test early every morning.

Every test Rose took came out negative making Kevin infuriated as hell. The first few days she felt happy and somehow felt like God is with her, listening to her prayers but after a few days, her hands would nervously tremble while showing him the single line formed on the test kit. 

First Kevin assured himself that he was just being impatience, these things take time but even after almost three weeks when she showed him the results negative, he got absolutely desperate. The doctors earlier confirmed everything is fine and since then he is taking utmost care of her then how the fuck is this possible.

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