hit and miss

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A/N - This is my first time writing a fan fic so bare with me please. This chapter is short because its my intro I promise the rest will be longer. Let me know if you guys like it and leave suggestions in the comments.

Much love~ ivy <3

Y/N POV: *beep beep* My alarm sounded at 5:30 am. Today was my first day working at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I had graduated top of my class at Yale and afterwards interned at a small police department in my home town.  The chief was so impressed with me he called the BAU unit chief and recommended they hire me. Now I was living my dream and in a few hours I was walking into the place where I've always longed to be. *thump* Bean jumped into my bed pulling me out of my trance. It all felt so surreal. She settled into my side and began purring. i smiled and turned over to my side to reach for my phone. "Shit." I looked at the time and it was 6:05. "Fuck, fuck I have to shower." I jumped out of bed and quickly ran to turn the hot water on in my bathroom. 

"Bye Bean I love you, wish me good luck sweet girl." I had showered and dressed fast enough that I still had time to get coffee before work. I began driving to my local coffee shop that I went to on a daily basis. I parked the car and made my way inside. It was packed today, I scanned the whole shop and examined new faces that I wasn't used to. "Hi Bels the usual please." "Hey Y/N!! one vanilla oat milk latte coming right up!" Bels said. "Great thank you!" I walked over to an empty corner table and checked the time on my phone. 6:45 am 'perfect' I thought to myself. "Y/N your latte!!" Bels yelled. I walked over and grabbed it hurrying out so I wasn't late. I pressed the ignition of my car and started backing out of the parking lot when suddenly a black mustang sped behind me. I slammed on the breaks and rolled down my window "Watch where you're going bitch!" The car sped off but not before its owner rolled down the window and stuck a middle finger right at me while yelling "Fuck you too." "Well great, now I'm gonna be late and in a bad mood." I grumbled finally backing out of the parking lot.

I arrived at the BAU and pulled down my car mirror and checked my light makeup and hair. I smiled to myself. I wasn't going to let a dumb bitch who almost made me crash, ruin my day. I picked up my bag (which they told me to pack incase we had to leave for a case) and headed into the office. 

I pressed the button for the second floor and the elevator doors closed. *ding* The doors opened and my breath hitched as I stood in front of the glass doors to my new job. "Hey there pretty girl." A tall bald guy walked up to me. "My names Derek Morgan, who might you be?" "The names Y/N  Y/L/N... I'm the new agent for the BAU" I remarked. He smiled mischievously and said "well you're in luck cause I can show you around baby girl, I'm an agent too." He smiled and winked. "Oh well actually- hah I'm a lesbian pretty boy." He stood with a blank stare on his face and then suddenly said "there's a pretty fine selection of women around here."  I contemplated asking him who he was referring to but I decided to turn around and meet the chief, since I was already extremely late.  

I walked over nervously as I felt pairs of eyes follow me up the stairs and to the chief's office. *knock knock "Come in" a voice boomed. I opened the door and my breath caught in my throat. I recognized her that voice... it was the same woman who I'd almost crashed into. THE PERSON I HAD CURSED OUT WAS MY BOSS?!? I stood there with a fake smile on my face. "Hello Agent Y/L/N nice to see you again, I'm the unit chief Emily Prentiss."

A breath of air      emily prentiss x readerWhere stories live. Discover now