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Montanas twin, so u hate Brooke so much
you and xavier read fashion magazines together.
girls red
boys blue
girls am
boys pm


I watch xavier and copy whatever he's doing.

Rebel yelled rings in my ears. They play the music so loud in here that it really gets your adrenaline going

"Five more minutes, guys! We can do this!" xavier yells to the full class before smiling at me.

I blow him a quick kiss before making eye contact with Brooke.
God I fucking hate her.

But I smile and wave at her.

She waves back before looking at chet and blushing

Ew what the fuck.

I look to montana and shoot her our famous
'did you see that?' look and she just nods

The last moments of the class fly in and I grab all my stuff before running into the showers just like montana and I have planned

This full thing with Brooke will be perfect.
We will get pay back for what she done.

And that's when Brooke walks in.

"hi I'm y/n." I say as she walks to the shower beside mine and starts it.

"Brooke." she tells me and I nod.

I already knew that.

"nice name." I tell her and she thanks me before montana walks in.

"y/n did you blow a kiss to xavier!?." she exclaims.

"yeah. That's not the only thing I blow though." I say smirking and she lets out a massive laugh and Brooke joins in.

"God you're disgusting." Montana says snorting with laughter before she quickly stops.

"hi I'm montana." montana introduces and brooke introduces herself and I just sigh.

"you two look so similar." brooke says looking between us as I wash my body.

"we are twins so it would make sense." montana says sarcastically and that's the last thing I hear because I walk off to the changing rooms to change.

And then I run out and run to xavier and jump on his back and cover his eyes.

"guess who." I say putting on a funny accent.

"maybe my horrible girlfriend?" xavier quizzes and I gasp.

"I am not horrible." I say rolling my eyes.

"this is Brooke!" montana exclaims from behind us all, the fakeness so close to showing.

Xavier turns around with me still hanging on his back.

"I'm xavier." he says nodding.

"that's Ray and that's chet." Montana says speeding up the introductions and they all say their hellos or whatever before Brooke starts a new conversation.

"how did you all meet?" Brooke asks.

"I was in a car with Montana when she rear ended xavier so he came upto the car and started screaming at her, but then he saw me and asked for my number bla bla bla." I say.

"and now I go out with her." he says rolling his eyes.

"I met y/n and Montana at a party." chet says.

"I met chet in the gym I think?" Ray tells us shrugging.

"you two are cute." Brooke tells xavier and I and we both nod.

"that's what I thought until y/ n stayed at my house for the first time." xavier jokes and I slap his shoulder before getting off his back and crossing my arms acting offended.

"you love her really xavier." Montana says laughing and he nods.

"i do." he agrees and I smile 

xavier pulls me infront of him and he wraps his arms over my shoulders.

"so Brooke do you have a boyfriend?" chet asks and Brooke quickly blushes.

"oh god no." she says as she follows chet and Ray to sit on the sofas but xavier, Montana and I stay standing.

"are you two still coming to the camp?" xavier asks.

"yeah, what time are you picking us up at tomorrow?" Montana questions noticing im too busy glaring holes through the back of Brookes skull to even listen.

"I was gonna drive home and get my stuff and then stay tonight." xavier says and that's when I quickly snap out my glare and scoff.

"who said you're allowed to stay?" I question and xavier shakes me.

"I said so!" he exclaims and I let out a large laugh.

"yeah do that." Montana responds before walking to the sofas, xavier and I following .

"do you all wanna get out of here for a few months? y/n, Montana and I have a job at a summer camp opening up a few hours away and I'm sure it could do with a few new counsellors." xavier questions and I practically begin praying on the spot that Brooke says yes, although she'll be dead by tonight.

everyone exept Brooke says yes 

"I'm meant to be going to college." Brooke says and Montana and I both frown.

"would've been fun with another girl." we both say in usion, as in Montana and I and we both laugh.

"you two always say shit in usion it's so freaky." Ray exclaims.

"it's a twin thing." we respond again is usion and we turn to each other impressed.

xavier quickly slaps a hand over my mouth.

I lay on my bed really bored, Montana is out trying to find Richards whereabouts.

and that's when my bedroom door flies open and xavier poses dramatically in my doorframe.

"xavier!" I exclaim happily before sitting up.

"missed me already?" he coos as he walks into my room, closing the door before sitting next to me.

"not really." I tell him my smile widening.

"you did." he corrects before kissing me .

I kiss back before glaring at him.

and that's when from his pocket he pulls out two fashion magazines and I clap my hands.

"I'm gonna turn the light on." I say standing up and walking over to the lights witch and turning the light on

when I go to walk back over to my bed, xavier sits up more and opens his legs so I can sit in between his legs.

I sink my head to his chest and xavier wraps his arm around the front of my body, the fashion magazine infront of both of us 

after a long hour or so of
EW I would never wear that
I want that!
that's so pretty
y/n what the fuck that's disgusting looking
I'd so rock that
xavier that's a dress

xavier and I fall asleep enjoying each others company.
I really do love this boy.

American Horror Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now