Chapter 1

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"Are you ready, kids?" Joowon asked as he finished loading the final box and shut the trunk of his car.

"Aye-aye captain," Four year old Gray Yeon said.

"I can't hear you,"

"Aye-aye captain!" Gray cheered louder.

Meanwhile, thirteen year old Donald Na glared at their father through the rear-view mirror. "I'm not saying that,"

"Okay," Joowon started the car. "Let's head to our new home,"

"Yay!" Jawbreaker, Donald's pet giant bunny, happily chirped. "I'm gonna expand my territory and it'll be another hop towards world domination!"

"Jawbreaker's happiness is rivalling Gray's," Joowon noted as he drove down the road. "What about you, Donald?"

"It'll be strange, living in a whole new place," Donald answered. "But at least we'll be far away from her,"

"Are you sure that you two are okay?" Joowon asked gently. "You're not going to miss her?"

"She was rarely at home when you left for work," Donald pointed out. "I was the one who took care of Gray. She's nothing to us,"

"I don't have a mom," Gray agreed. "I only have a dad and a big brother and Jawbreaker,"

"If I see that woman again I'll break her jaw with my super kick!"

"Anyway, what about your job?" Donald inquired.

"I got a job as a barista at a cafe," Joowon informed. "The place is called Sweet Galaxy. It used to just be a bakery, but the owner expanded it to also be a cafe. The pay's not as much as my previous job, but it's enough to live without worrying too much about the bills,"

"Is the bread there any good?" Donald asked as he stared out the window, watching the world pass by.

"Yes, that's a great question," Jawbreaker nodded. "I need to figure out if the cafe is worth keeping once I rule the world,"

"Of course your first question about the place is about their bread," Joowon chuckled lightly. "Their bread's pretty taste. They have a wide variety of flavors too. There's raisin bread, banana nut bread, cheesy bread, and other flavors that I can't remember,"

"Sounds yummy," Gray said. "Can we try some?"

"We can stop by in the morning before I drop you guys off to school," Joowon suggested. "We can buy breakfast before my shift starts,"

"Sounds like a plan," Donald agreed.


The next morning, Joowon brought his sons with him to Sweet Galaxy. "Hi boss," Joowon greeted. "I'm here to buy some food for my boys before I bring them to school,"

"What would you kids like to eat?" The owner of the cafe, Janghyeok Woo, asked the two kids.

Gray silently pointed at the fruit and cream sandwiches on the shelf. Donald looked up at the menu above and read through each option before deciding on some chocolate pancakes. Joowon ordered the Portuguese sausage, spam, eggs, and rice combo for himself. For drinks, Gray got some milk, Donald got chocolate milk, and Joowon got a cup of coffee.

Once their food was ready, they dug in. "Yummy," Gray said as he nibbled on his sandwich. "The bread is soft and the cream is fluffy. The fruits are both sweet and tart at the same time,"

"It's good," Donald complimented as he sliced up his pancakes and ate them.

"Yes," Joowon agreed. "The boss' cooking is great,"

"It's because I use my older brother's recipes," Janghyeok informed. "I can't take all the credit. Half the credit goes to him too,"

The door chimed, signaling that another customer had entered. "I'll have my usual coffee and breakfast sandwich," A police officer in uniform, with jet black hair and deep blue eyes, ordered.

"Coming right up, Changhui," Janghyeok got right to making his order.

'Changhui?' Joowon's head shot up at the mention of the familiar name. 'He does bear a strong resemblance to that Changhui Han that I know. Is it actually him, or just a look alike who coincidentally has the same first name as him?' He made eye contact with him. 'Fuck,'

"Joowon Lee!?" The cop exclaimed, recognizing the grey-haired man.

'So it is him,' Joowon realized and addressed him back. "Changhui Han,"

"Huh?" Janghyeok asked. "Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah," Changhui nodded. "We used to date in high school. Joowon, what are you doing here?"

"Eating breakfast with my children?" Joowon quirked a brow at the obvious scene.

"Children?" Changhui looked over to Donald and Gray. 'So he's already settled down and started a family,' 

"We moved here after we divorced a mean lady," Gray said. 

"Gray, I divorced her, not we," Joowon gently corrected.

Changhui felt guilt that he felt a bit relieved when Joowon said that. 'If Joowon is happily married, I should be happy for him. But when I thought he was still married, I felt jealousy instead, even though we broke up in our final year of high school. It's been over ten years so I thought I'd finally be over my feelings, but I guess I still do love him. It looks like Joowon was able to move on just fine though. He was able to start dating again and even got married and had two kids,'

Gray stood up and hugged Changhui's leg. "New Dad,"

"EH!?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Gray, I'm your dad, not Changhui," Joowon gently pried him off. "Sorry about that Changhui,"

"He's going to be our second dad," Gray claimed.

"I think you watch too many romcoms," Joowon picked his youngest son up. "Maybe we should cut back on how many you watch?"

"But I like romcoms," Gray pouted.

"Dad," Donald reminded. "We need to get to school,"

Joowon glanced at his watch. "Yeah, we better get going or we'll be late. Boss," He called towards Janghyeok. "I'll be back for my shift after I drop my kids off,"

"Alright," Janghyeok waved.

"Changhui," Joowon nodded over to his friend. "Maybe I'll see you around?"

"I do come here every morning for coffee and breakfast," Changhui smiled.

Joowon and his sons left. Janghyeok walked over his friend and patted the cop on the back. "He didn't say that you won't be the boys' second dad,"

"He's freshly divorced," Changhui sighed. "He's probably not wanting to be in another relationship right away. And I don't even know if his kids will like me,"

"The smaller one already likes you," 

"The older one was glaring at me though," Changhui pointed out. "And Joowon's already moved on,"

"Maybe spending some time together will reignite the flame in his heart?"

Why aren't there a lot of Cheongang fanfics? I love them and I love their ships. 

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