The woods

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Based on the cwacom tv series.
This will probably just be a one shot but idk we'll see.

Little Gil Shelbourne was out in the woods one night. He didn't mean to be out past dark, however he was lost. Occasionally Gil liked to take walks in the woods of swallow falls, just to take a break from the town for a bit. There was an old wooden swing hanging from a tree branch he liked to swing on.

Before he got lost, everything was perfectly fine. Everything was quiet and peaceful at first, it was starting to get dark, he was about to start his way back home to the shelbourne mansion when suddenly he heard something. It sounded like footsteps in the fall leaves. It sounded distant, Gil looked behind him, but saw nothing. He went back to swinging.

He always loved to swing. He would do it at the park, and sometimes in the woods. Suddenly he heard the footsteps again, slightly louder, like they were right behind him. Gil let out a yelp as he looked behind him.. there was nothing.. okay, it's time to go home he said to himself. He was about to hop off the swing as he heard the footsteps once more.

He looked behind him again, and suddenly saw a tall black figure right behind him and screamed in his face. Gil was screaming too. He had never seen anything like this before.. Suddenly the tall figure picked up a big rock and threw it right at Gil's head. Gil falls from the swing, head bleeding on the ground. He blacks out.

                          A few hours later:

He heard a few faint sounds, they seemed to get closer, he didn't know what was happening.. everything went black. His mind was very blurry, then suddenly he regained consciousness. He gasped as he sat up very quickly. Gil looked around him. Where am I? Wait, oh.....He was still in the same woods as before... owww! He placed a hand on his head, he felt as if it was damp.

He was bleeding. It was now pitch black out. All he had for light was his cell phone. He tried to call his father Mayor Shelbourne, but he was having bad service in the woods. All he could do was try to find his way home. He walked around a little, then he turned back to the way he came. He remembered where the swing was.

He walked back toward the direction of the swing Suddenly he could hear some faint humming. He walked closer and closer.. he shined his light on the swing and gasped. He saw someone on the swing! It looked exactly like him! How could he be on the swing if he was standing right next to it? The other Gil was still humming creepily.

What's wrong Gil..? Do you wanna go play..? Said the other Gil on the swing. No! I need to go home now. Said Gil. Why..? Asked the other Gil. What do you mean why? It's where I live! Replied Gil. Gil could hear some faint thunder in the distance. No matter how hard you try.. no matter what you do.. you'll never be good enough.. said the other Gil on the swing. Daddy would be so disappointed..

What do you mean..? Asked Gil. Do you really want to know..? Asked the other Gil on the swing. Yes! What is it?? The other Gil suddenly turned his head, and smiled the most creepy smile Gil had ever seen. Suddenly his eyes turned completely black, as a big lightning strike made the woods glow. The other Gil suddenly screamed loudly witch turned into a roar.

AHHHHHHH!!! Gil ran away as fast as he could, trying to get away. As far away from the swing as possible! He had to get out of the woods! He didn't even know where he was anymore! Suddenly he could see the other Gil, crawling in a really creepy way, letting out the creepiest shriek Gil had ever heard. It was chasing him! AHHHH!!! No no no! Leave me alone!

Help someone!!!! Help! Gil came across some big rocks, with a small cliff. Suddenly the other Gil caught up with him, and struck him hard in the face. Gil fell down the small cliff scraping up his knee in the process. He hit his head once again, his heart pounding. He had never been so afraid before. He blacked out again.

                   Beep... beep.. beep..

All Gil could hear was some random beeping sounds. He woke up with bright lights above him, am I in Heaven? He asked himself.. suddenly his vision started to clear up. He was in bed in the hospital. He had some bandages on his head, and his knee, and as well as a brace. Then he saw his father mayor Shelbourne sitting next to the bed.

Mayor dad..? What.? Oh good he's awake! Said the doctor walking in. Gil, I don't know if you remember, but some stranger found you in the woods tonight, apparently you fell off some rocks and down a small cliff, where you hit your head. You also dislocated your knee, but we put it back in place while you were asleep. We called your father after the stranger called an ambulance.

Oh.. Gil was about to tell them he was attacked, but decided against it. It was over now, no need to relive that. You can take him home now mayor Shelbourne, just be careful as he has a mild concussion said the doctor. Mayor Shelbourne looked annoyed at Gil. Gil! What were you doing in the woods?? Actually, I don't care! I don't even want to know! Let's just go home, said mayor Shelbourne.

Mayor shelbourne and Gil made it home to the mansion. That was really scary. Gil would never forget that experience. He hoped that the monsters wouldn't return, but he didn't know. He hoped that would never happen again.. or will it..?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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