Part Nineteen

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Gauri stood in the middle of Omkara's bedroom and looks around curiously. His parents hadn't even bothered to see her. Gauri sighs.

"You okay?" Omkara asks her from behind.

Gauri turns to look at him and nods.

Omkara walks to her and stops in front of her. Gauri wanted to ask him why he had lied to her about not missing her and not realizing that she had left, then she decides not to, if he had wanted to tell her the truth then he wouldn't have lied.

"I'm going to sleep." Gauri tells him and walks to the bed.

Omkara gets on the bed next to her. Gauri closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

Omkara lies on his side as he watched her sleep. he knew that it had been tough days for her.

His gaze moves down toward her stomach. He gently keeps his hand over her stomach. They were going to have a baby. it was so scary and he had no idea how ready he was for this, but he was going to be as good a father as he can be. He moves towards Gauri and gently kisses her on her forehead.

He moves back and sees Gauri watching him.

"Are you still angry with me for blackmailing you?" Omkara asks her softly.

Gauri sadly lowers her gaze. "You threatened to take our baby away from me."

"You were refusing to come with me, Gauri." Omkara guiltily tells her.

"Would you've taken our baby away from me if I hadn't married you?" Gauri asks worriedly.

"What do you think?" Omkara softly asks her.

Gauri looks at him, if she thought he was the type who would separate a mother from her baby then she would have never loved him. Gauri moves to him and hugs him. "You lie a lot." Gauri sadly complaints to him.

Omkara hugs her and kisses her on top of her head.

"Why won't you just tell the truth?" Gauri asks him as she asked him.

Omkara hesitantly looks away. "I don't know."

Gauri sighs and hides her face on his chest.

"Go to sleep, baby. you need rest."

"We are going to have a baby, so you shouldn't be calling me baby anymore." Gauri tells him smiling.

Omkara chuckles. "Let the baby be here first. Then I'll think of something else to call you."


"You did civil engineering?" Gauri asks curiously seeing the book on the table.

Hearing her, Omkara who was sitting on the bed wearing his shoes, curiously looks up at her. "No, I did business management." Omkara replies as he wore his shoes.

"Then this?" Gauri asks him curiously.

Omkara looks at her for a few seconds then sighing he says "I wanted to do civil engineering but Dad wouldn't let me. he said I have to manage his business so I need to learn business management."

Gauri didn't know what to tell him. so, she gently keeps her hand on his shoulder.

"I started the construction business all by myself because it was my passion. Whatever I know, I learned by myself."

"It is doing really well, right?" Gauri asks him smiling.

"Yeah." Omkara replies smiling then he stands up and tells Gauri softly. "Gauri, if our baby doesn't want to take over the business then I won't care. and I will not let anyone force it on our baby."

Rikara FF : Mistress Series 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now