Swaying Butterflies

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"Forget about us. You don't need me."

He stared at me strangely, and I sighed.

There always was a terrible weight of responsibility on my shoulders. As someone who was born with Tay-Sachs, a fatal hereditary disease that results in the progressive downfall of the nervous system, I knew that everyone I loved would be devastated by my early death.

Apparently, the doctors claimed the angels were looking down at me from heaven ever since I was born and that I was lucky to be sixteen, as most patients with Tay-Sachs die as infants. I've been researched on and stayed in hospitals most my life, as I might have been help to finding a cure, but even the most prestigious, well-educated doctors said I was no use.

I felt incompetent, vulnerable, and most of all, like a fire slowly spreading until I eventually destroyed everything in my life. Otousan and okaasan remained supportive, but I have nothing to return except for the burden of my disease on them.

Who I pitied the most was a simple answer - Daiki-kun. He was my childhood best friend who grew closer to me as time progressed, and we started dating for two years.

However, at this point, I believed our relationship had to go, for the sake of both of us.

"Oi, Tetsu-chan, what are you talking about?" Daiki-kun questioned, gazing at me with concern.

"You heard me. We're over. Don't visit me again," I replied blankly. It felt as if my heart was being ripped out as those words escaped my lips.

His jaw clenched. He chuckled bitterly and managed to breath out, "Why?"

"We weren't meant to be," I lied, averting my eyes to the wall, "Look at us. We're total opposites. You're a tall, prideful, healthy, muscular, tan guy and I'm petite, pale, shy, and sick, being on the verge of dying."

"Tch. Stuff like that doesn't fucking matter."

"You're being naive, Daiki-kun."

He ran his fingers through his dark blue hair. His face was stricken with grimness and grief. Daiki-kun's mouth opened, as if he was about to say something.

"Tetsu-chan..." he trailed off, tightly clutching my hand, "I...I'm a goddamn baka for saying this, but..." he paused, "Shit, I fucking love you. I can't explain it. I don't care if you think I'm naive. For the past years we've known each other, I'm captivated by you. Everything about you is perfect."

"Except for the fact that I'm going to die soon," I muttered, letting go of his hand, "...Like I said, you need to get away from me before it's too late."

Without a word, he glanced at me with gleaming eyes and brought me to his warm embrace. I felt myself starting to cry. I sank my face into his chest, making his jacket moist with my hot streaming tears.

"Don't say that, woman," Daiki-kun mumbled, "Let's enjoy the moment we have now."

Minutes passed. My breath began to stagger. All I felt was numbness. Daiki-kun was alarmed; I could tell by him stroking my hair and him kissing me lightly on the forehead. My surroundings were fuzzy. I leaned against Daiki-kun, nausea and dizziness hitting me.

"Hey," he asked abruptly, standing up and offering his hand in front of me, "...care for a dance?"

I froze, confused by his actions. It wasn't like him at all.

"S-Sure, I guess..." I trailed off. He gently helped me up and securely wrapped his arms around my neck.

Daiki-kun whispered in my ear, "I'll lead the way."

A light blush crept on my cheeks and I had a weak smile. We danced slowly to the non-existent music. Somehow, it was as if we were in sync and in the rhythm of endless emotions that filled up the room instead of the silence. While we were dancing, all the pain I felt ebbed away, as I was giggling uncontrollably. The gracefulness, the raw beauty of us expressing our feelings through dancing - it was as if we were swaying butterflies.

Suddenly, I tripped, falling to my knees. Daiki-kun attended to me, gasping.

"Oh my god, Tetsu-chan, are you okay? I screwed up. Should I get a doctor?" he exclaimed, observing me.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I think I'm fine."

The nausea and dizziness returned. My body ached, causing me to wince.

"You're not okay. I-"

I shook my head, choking out, "Please. Stay here with me. I-I want to hear something. Tell me that you...hate me."

"What the hell, Tetsu-chan? ...I'm going to get a doctor for you-"

I inhaled sharply, my hands clutched into fists, "You know I'm not going to make it. There's no reason why you should go and find help."

"Goddamn it Tetsu-chan, have some fucking faith! You're not going to leave me here..."

"Say that you hate me," I restated, glaring at him.

He shouted, "That has nothing to do with anything! Stop acting foolish. I'm going to get the damn doctor whether you like it or not."

"We both need closure," I answered, coughing, "It's the way it has to be."

"Tetsu-chan. I love you. Stay with me."

"Stop it. Stop it!" I shrieked with every remaining strength I possessed, "Daiki-kun, stop being like this! Insult me, beat me up, tell me you hate me. I want to go to my grave in peace, having the satisfaction of you being able to move on from me. I don't want to burden you. Please."

"I love you."


"I love you."

"Daiki-kun, stop it, you-"

"I love you, Tetsumi Kuroko. There's nothing you can do to make me say anything otherwise."

My body started to shiver. I closed my eyes, laying on my back. This was it - my awaited departure.

I gave in, seeing there was no way to fix his stubbornness, "I...love you too, Daiki Aomine."

"Tetsu-chan, why do you have to suffer out of all the people in the world? All I can do is imagine us being married, having children, growing old together..." he sobbed.

It hurt to hear him. I wanted him to have the closure and say he hated me because of how he was acting now - the idea that he will waste time thinking about me when in reality, I'm not there for him anymore. My dry, cracked lips wouldn't budge to explain this to him.

I heard footsteps of him running out the hospital room.

"Someone, fucking help me! My girlfriend... She's going to die!"

I wish I could give him his dreams. I wish that I can see him again. I wish that one day, in another universe, we can meet again with a better fate.

But soon, I felt nothing.

A/N: Hey, hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. I'm not too familiar with writing this kind of style, and I suck at romances. ;-;

If you enjoyed it and think it is worthy enough, PLEASE vote for it on WinterRaineeDay's Kuroko no Basuke Canon Pairing Contest book for voting (you'll find it easily) from May 17 to May 29, 2015 under the categories one-shot and for covers.

You can also click the external link to reach to her voting book . . .

This one-shot was made simply for this contest. Thank you all~!

- shingeki-no-kyojin

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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