Borrowing His Hoodie

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He had invited you to spend the night at his house, promising nothing sexual would happen. He swore that nothing serious would happen that night, because he knows that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, and you took his word for it.
Now you two were sat close on his couch, watching a program under a fluffy white blanket that his mother had made. His mum was a sweet woman, and she was out with his dad for dinner.
You looked intently at his lovely face as he started to nod off to sleep. His eyes would close for a moment, then fly open again as he rubbed his eyes and tried to stay awake for you.
He had fallen into a rather long almost-sleep this time, and you laughed as he groaned at the brightness of the tele.
"Okay, I really want to stay awake for you, but I'm hella tired. So uh, would it be alright if I sleep? You don't have to turn the tele off or anything... "
You attempted to suppress a smile at his sleepy voice, which you found endearing.
"That's fine. I know this program doesn't interest you, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put it on." You murmured, pressing a little kiss to his nose.
He managed to catch your lips with his, resulting in a few small kisses. "You have terrible taste in programs." He joked, nuzzling your shoulder.
You snorted. As if watching the skiing programs he liked was any better!
"Shut up and go to sleep, buttface."
He pouted "Okay, okay... but just so you know, if you need water or anything don't worry about moving me. And don't hesitate to wake me up when you want to go to bed." You nodded, and started toying with his hair, which he loved, until he fell asleep.
A few episodes of your program went by, him sleeping peacefully. He had cuddled closer into you by now, head resting on your shoulder, hand now clutching the fabric of your tank top. You petted amd stroked him, toasty warm under the blanket with his and your body heat. You felt your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks.
"(C/N)..." you whispered and poked his cheek. His eyes blinked open gently.
"Yeah..?" He said groggily
"Can we uh, go to bed now?"
He nodded and lifted his body off yours, reaching for the remote and clicking the tele off. You stood up, letting the blanket fall to the floor, shivering as you realized how cold it was.
"You're cold." He stated, and bent down to pick up the blanket and drape it around your shoulders.
A small blush crept across your face. He was always so blunt. "Thanks." Escaped your lips. It was barely a whisper.
He smiled easily and led you to his room with an arm slung lazily around your waist. He went into the bathroom to take off his jeans and shirt and change into his nightclothes. You rifled through your overnight bag and found your Pajama pants, just plain black flannel ones, but couldn't find your nightshirt. You groaned as you realized you left it in the dryer.
(C/N) came out if the bathroom in a black T-shirt and plaid boxers.
You blushed fairly hard. "Umm... (C/N)?"
"Yeah?" He replied as he brushed the hair out of his face.
"I don't... I don't have a nightshirt." He smiled.
"You would look really good in my sweatshirt, you know?" He slid open the door to his wardrobe and pulled out his favorite hoodie.
"Take your shirt off." He said plainly.
Shyly, you lifted the hem and pulled it off over your head.
"Your bra, too." Your bra?! But...
"Come on, (Y/N). I know those things are uncomfortable."
"How would you know?!" You exclaimed defensively, crossing your arms over your chest to hide your, well, chest.
He shrugged, unfazed. "I know a few things."
You sighed. He had promised nothing sexual, and you were going to take his word for it. You had been together a long time, you could trust him.
You reached behind you back and unhooked the bra, clutching it in your hands. He walked over to you and you could feel his eyes flickering on your chest. You brought your hand up to touch your face and felt the heat.
"Arms up, love." The bra fell from your fingertips and you lifted your arms above your head.
You relaxed as the soft fabric of his sweatshirt fell over your hands, your as arms, and then your shoulders. His hands brushed a little too close to your chest as he pulled the hem down.
He kissed you on the forehead "I'm sorry." He said. "I know I promised. Im really fucking sorry, I wont let this go any further. I swear." He said softly, almost in tears.
"I know you wont. Thank you for apologizing. I forgive you."
He smiled weakly. "If you're uncomfortable, tell me."
"I'm not, Im not! Now hurry up and get in bed, buttface, we're both tired and you know it!" He laughed and tickled you until you fell onto the bed,.you gleefully trying to bat his hands away because IT.TICKLES.SO.BAD! Finally he runs out of energy and slumps down next to you, both catching your breath on the sheets. He steals a kiss from you and wiggles his way under the covers, inviting you to come in with him.
You wiggle in next to him and snuggle into his chest, as he laces his arms around you. You tuck your head under his chin.
Hours later you wake up, realize you're back to back with him. You tuck your legs into the sweatshirt and bury your nose in the dark fabric and smile. It smells like detergent and you know it was just washed, but you can smell his smell too, lingering pleasantly in the fabric. Past the smell of fabric softener and meadows, there's his cologne, the spicy one you love. The hoodie is worn and soft with age and warm days and fabric softeners, and smells a little like cat, of which he has three of them. The inside is fuzzy, made warm by your body heat.
You drift of to sleep again, still feeling likes you're wrapped up in his arms because his hoodie is filled with his aura.

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