Author's Note

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Dear readers,

It's been a long, long time.

For starters, I want to apologize for not having updated the story I started last year. I feel sad that it's taking me this long. I keep adding bits and pieces to it every now and then but I still haven't been able to complete it. I would like to say that one day, I shall finish it. And I shall do it soon. That is certainly the next fiction project I will give my full focus and wrap. 

Speaking of this story, don't worry, it's complete. It started out as a short story but kind of morphed into something slightly larger than that. It is again from the collection that I have been writing for ages. It's unlike my other work here so far which is why I've hesitated to put it out. But I wanted to try anyway. This is the story I meant to publish in the contest but didn't get around to. *Shrugs*

Today, I bring this story to you. It carries a very unique piece of my heart. 

I wish that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Until we meet again...

Much love,


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