A long time ago there lived a young girl named Kelly.She lived with her mother and father beside a large forest with a stream of sparkling water. Next to the stream, there was a stump where young Kelly sat andbreathed in the wonderful forest air. One warm summer's day Kelly sat thinking about the fact that she had no friends(because the nearest village was 10000000km away)when suddenly she heard a rustle in the bushes and out came rabbit but not far behind she heard the growl of a violet eyed fox cub, the cub chased the rabbit but did not succeed in catching it,meanwhile Kelly slowly got up so as not to scare the cub and followed it back to its den for as legend says if you meet a violet eyed fox cub follow it into its den and if you find a vixen within sing to it "my three wishes are worth listening to" you will be granted three wishes.If all your wishes you won't ever be able to get any more wishes from that vixen or any other in fact.If all your wishes are to help others you will be granted one more wish......
the cub chased the rabbit
Kelly's Furry Friend
Short Storyone day I was sitting on my stump as usal when in the blink of an eye everything changed the chase has only begun