Owl Mage, Magic of the Night

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Only the crunching of leaves and distant bird chirps could be heard as the group of men walked through the surrounding forest. They all wore camo on form-fitting clothes, carrying backpacks filled with camping and scouting supplies. A few attempted starting small talk about the scenery but mentioning " Oh that tree is huge. " or " Man we're lucky the weather's nice. " could only be said a few times before becoming monotonous. A few might've considered starting conversations a bad idea anyways considering the job we're on right now.

I being the newbie had my eyes full of wonder and curiosity looking around the magical forest around us. Our village had been low on metals and general supplies relating to construction. So several men including me had been chosen to go into the nearby magical forest towards a mine full of mineral deposits.

" Hold up men. " James the leader chosen for our expedition held up a firm fist. None of us knew much about the forest or the creatures living inside it. There were of course stories of monsters and people going missing once they stepped into it, but most of what we knew were just old wives' tales. " We're being watched, or at least we're expected. " James the blonde says as the rest of us go stiff. I and many others looked around trying to see what he meant but as far as I could see it was all the same maze of trees.

James searched the ground for a second before grabbing a pebble. He glanced to the sides for a second before lobbing the stone into a nearby bush.


The sound of metal smashing against metal rang through all our ears, piercing through the general silence of the forest. James still held his fist as we watched him slowly walk to the origin of the sound. He released the fist and used the same hand to pick up a bear trap covered in shrub-colored paint.

" We aren't alone in this forest be smart, observant, and watch where you're going. " James notes before carefully putting the trap down and continuing placing a hand over the knife sheathed on his thigh.

" This is your first time on one of our expeditions right kid? " the man that had been next to me in our formation asked me.

" Uh yeah, well I just turned 19 so I am of age. " I say awkwardly trying to not be too loud.

" My sixth, don't worry it's been like this every time I've come. Once we get back I'll buy ya a beer to celebrate poppin your expedition cherry. " He says with a gruff yet friendly voice, his thick black beard waving every time he moved his mouth.

" Do we have to call it popping my cherry? " I ask laughing a bit " Thanks though, please, let me get you one too. To pay you back for lightening the mood a bit. " I say smiling my mouth crinkling over the thin layer of facial hair and offering a handshake.

" Make it a whiskey and you've got yourself a deal. " He says with a wide smile, closing his yellowish brown eyes as he does and accepting my offer.

" Name's Ryan. " I say introducing myself as the handshake ends and looking around a bit more seeing the fauna slowly turn from your everyday green and brown to more blue and grey hues as we venture further. " What do you mean by it's been like this? "

" John and James usually finds something like this. One time it was a spear another time it was a net. There's usually some kind of sign of intelligent life but as far as I remember we haven't been confronted by anything. " John says observing the surroundings himself and now that I notice it, the way he stands and walks looks more relaxed than the rest of us, even James.

" Wait wait, I know James has gone a few times but how many times has he done this? " I ask confused, as far as I knew we were chosen at random and some people like John or James just get unlucky being chosen multiple times.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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