🌺Red velvet x Reader🌺

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Hey babes I'm back
I decided to come back bc idk I miss staying up until 11am writing about cookies having sex and reading your hilarious comments 😭☝️
But anyways enough about me
This was a request!
The reader is gender neutral 👍
Also testing out a new writing style YaYyY
This was a bit late I'm sorry
Ok enjoy
It was a normal day in the tower of chaos. Well as normal as it could be this place is run by the cookies of darkness and a normal day to them can feel like an absolute nightmare to anyone who isn't one of them
Red velvet cookie: the commander of the cake hounds, was busy as usual baking more hounds by the second and training them as hard as he could.
He finally got the time to rest not even 5 minutes had gone by and one of the cakes have escaped out of the tower gates
"Just fuckin great-"
He sighed to himself and hoped that the cake didn't go to far
After almost 30 minutes of searching he couldn't find it
He sighed and was about to give up until suddenly you walked up to him with his cake hound in your arms
"Excuse me but does this belong to you?"
You giggled as the hound happily lickes your face
"Yeah it does thank you I've been looking for him every whare!"
"Your welcome!"
He took his hound out of your hands and was about to walk away
"Wait!I never got your name!"
"I'm red velvet cookie and you?"
"I'm y/n!"
"Hm nice to meet you maybe we can see each other again soon?"
"Yeah ok!"
He smiles as he walks back to the tower
He ran into pomegranate cookie on his way back
"Whare have you been?..."
"Ah pomegranate to what do I owe the pleasure- if you must know one of my cakes got out so I had to go and get him"
"No one saw you right?"
"Erm... no of course not I know how important it is for us to be kept undercover now I've wasted enough time talking to you I have to back to work"

The next day came and red velvet manged to sneak out of the tower and went to the cookie kingdom to hopefully meet up with y/n again
"Oh hey its you again!"
"Oh hey y/n yeah I want to come and see you"
"Aww you missed me?"
A bit of blush came on his face as he grabbed your hand
"We should... probably go to a more private place..."
"Uhm... no reason I just don't want other cookies to hear our conversation ya know?"
The two of you found a empty field and decided to sit and continue talking there
"This was a good idea! It's a lot more peaceful here!"
"Heh yeah..."
"So velvet what happened to your arm? I've been meaning to ask you that sooner"
"Oh uh.. it's nothing it's... just something I always had"
"Oh that's cool! An arm like that could be really useful in battle imagine how much damage that arm could make!"
"I mean yeah it is pretty durable I don't think I would make THAT much damage"
You give him a small smile as both of you watch the sun slowly set
"I... really should get going now ill see you soon"
"I would but..."
"Come on please?"
A tint of blush came on his face again as he sighed
"Fine I'll see you tomorrow then"
Just like what happened yesterday pomegranate was waiting for velvet when she figured out he wasn't whare he was supposed to be
"Whare have you run off to this time?"
"Its nothing just needed some fresh air-"
"Don't lie to me"
"Alright... so I met someone...and thier great..."
"Did you convince them to join the cookies of darkness? We could use another member"
"No I didn't they seem like a great person thier always so cheerful so I don't think they'll be a good addition to the team"
"Hm you two seem like total opposites I don't think you two would mix well and what if thier just using you for something?"
"Why would that do that thier nothing but a ball of sunshine and happiness!"
His face turned red just talking about them
"Alright just don't let them get in the way of your work"
"Alright got it"
Red velvet went to bed with y/n on his mind. He never had a new friend in awhile. He never even saw his fellow dark Cookies as friends so he loved the feeling of having someone new
The next day came and red velvet wasted no time to go to see y/n again
Right before he made his way into the kingdom he picked a flower to give to them
He went to the same place as yesterday and waited
Not long after y/n came
"Hi velvet! Good to see you again"
"Hi y/n! Uhm... here..."
He hands you a deep red rose with a face full of blush
"Aww thank you!" You smiled at him as you feel your face start to heat up a bit as well
"Ya know y/n I'm glad I met you I never had any real friends before so it's nice to see you everyday"
"Hehe yeah I enjoy seeing you too your very fun to talk to and overall just an amazing cookie!"
After doing the same thing everyday for over a year red velvet started to have a feeling he never felt before and the more he went to see y/n the stronger the feelings became
Finally,he found the confidence to tell y/n his true feelings
They met at thier usual spot,red velvet being a flustered mess when he saw you
"Hi velvet how have you been?"
"Uh... Hi I've been... good... I'm even better now that your hear"
He sighed and covered his face as he prepared himself for what he was about to say
"Listen y/n we've been seeing each other for awhile and you were always so sweet and cheerful the conversation would almost never get boring when you were here your such an amazing friend to me and I was hoping that you maybe want to be more than that?...
But basically what I'm trying to say is that... I love you y/n I always have... I don't know much about love but I'm willing to learn what its about with you by my side"
Your eyes were sparkling as your whole face turned red
"I... never expected you to be a person Who's capable of saying such sweet things like that... and seeing you was always the highlight of my day... so I'll be happy to be by your side!"
Red velvet covered his face again with a huge smile on his face
"I actually made some tea for the two of us so consider this our first date!"
You hand him a cup of tea and he takes a Sip
"Wow this is very good! And uhm... very strong..."

Red velvets POV:
My vision suddenly started to get blurry as I fell to the ground. Everything around me was spinning then suddenly everything went black
The next thing I knew I was chained up,barely being able to move
"Well done on capturing him it might have taken awhile but now we can finally get more information out of him and find out what dark enchantress is plotting"
Who was that and what do they want with me?... whares y/n?!-
Y/n suddenly walked up to me
"Y/n there you are I was so worried! Are you ok do you know whare we are?"
"Do you honestly think I didn't know who you were?"
"Your red velvet cookie,one of the cookies of darkness it was said that you usually work alone so that's why It would have been so easy for me to lure you in. You and your team has been doing nothing but cause chaos on earthbread and I wasn't going to let you keep doing that"
"But.... we love each other..."
"We? No you I never loved you I'm only doing this for the republic you honestly didn't think I would want to date someone as cruel as you? Don't make me laugh"
Seeing y/n like this just felt... weird its like thier a totally different person the y/n that I know is always smiling and happy...
Tears started to roll down my cheeks
"How could you do this to me?... I loved you... I loved you so much... how could you just betray be like this after everything we've done"

Third person POV:
You gently put one of your fingers over his mouth
Then you grab his chin and his him on his lips
He was surprised but eventually kissed back
You pulled out a knife as the kiss continued and stabed him in his back
A single tear rolling from your face

But uh yeah Hi ppls sorry for being so inactive ty to the person who requested this Its my first time writing an x reader so I hope I did alright 😭👍
Sorry for any spelling errors I probably won't notice them until later so feel free to correct me
Ok and that's all I have to say I hope you liked this
K byeeeee

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