The Dream

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The day was long and hard. Orders for repairs and refurbishment were numerous. Jimi and the human smith could barely keep up. But Jimi liked it busy. The busier it was, the less she had to think about. The less she thought, the better her work could be. It was the night that brought the most anxiety. When all was still, she would think of looking back. Looking back on... The fire... Her uncle... The Shadow... She dreaded her dreams. More-so... Her nightmares. She wished that she could simply have a dreamless night. But it never happened. Just waking in cold sweat and tears...

After the long workday, she came to her room, looking dog-tired and soot-covered. Jimi shuffled to her bed and laid over the covers. Jimi didn't even attempt to wash her face, or hair or change into her nightgown. She simply lay there, staring at the ceiling, fighting sleep. Praying to the Great Alchemy that she would have a dreamless night. But drowsiness soon began to take her. Her eyelids became heavy and she slowly drifted off to sleep. Her body tensed in anticipation of the nightmares to come.



There was nothing. Could it have been that she could finally rest? Suddenly, a glimmer of light showed into existence. She felt her small legs draw her to the light. Like a moth to a torch. It flashed a brilliant white and soon an ethereal jungle appeared before her. She had never seen something such as this. It was... Peaceful. A far cry from her dreams in the past. She wandered and examined her surroundings to try and remember every minute detail. She then heard voices nearby. They sounded confused and worried. Jimi made her way to the voices. She saw an unlikely sight. Two Sylvari, two Norns, and a very gruff-looking Charr.

"E... Excuse me... But uh...? Who are y'all and where am I?" Jimi inquired.

The dark purple-leafed Sylvari bent down to little Jimi's level, "This is the Sylvari dream little one... But... uh..."

"None of us should be here. I and Orphie have already been through this. This dream is only for Sylvari. No other creatures." the green-grey Sylvari added.

The Charr huffed. "Well, we're here now from the looks of it."

"This is better than most nights for me to be completely fair." The blonde bearded and helmed Norn piped in.

The other Norn, standing on all fours, grunted in response. He didn't really understand what everyone was saying but joined the "conversation" regardless.

Jimi once again scanned her surroundings and noticed that a figure that was shiny and see-through like silk was approaching the group. She grabbed the blonde Norn's fur cloak in fear. He noticed and was about to swat the little thing away when he too saw the figure. One by one, the group noticed the figure which was now seen as a Sylvari.

"W... wait... Who are all of you? How did you get here?" The feminine-sounding Sylvari inquired.

The Charr raised an annoyed eyebrow, "I fell asleep."

"Same with me as well." The blonde Norn replied.

The rest of the group nodded in agreement. The Sylvari simply shook her head in bewilderment. She then started explaining where the group was and so forth. But Jimi's mind was still fixated on the sheer beauty of this supposed "dream". This was the furthest cry from her nightmares of fire and smoke and she wanted to enjoy every second. But soon the group began moving away and she quickly tried to join them. Jimi looked up towards her much taller compatriots and wondered what could have brought them to such an ethereal world. She then looked to the dark purple Sylvari and decided to try and figure out who she was traveling with.

Jimi waved to them and piped up, "I uh... I believe that I didn't properly introduce mahself. Mah name's Jimi. Jimi Mecca. Asuran artificer. It's nice to meet ya."

"It is nice to meet you too Jimi. My name is Orphieos." The Sylvari replied.

Orphieos pointed to the grey Sylvari, "This is Nickolaz."

Nickolaz simply nodded.

"Uh... Mr. Norn. What's your name?" Jimi called to the blonde Norn.

He groaned, "Hakon."

"Okay... and uh... You other Norn?" Jimi asked.

The all-fours Norn growled for a moment. He sounded like an animal. A bear to be more precise. And then he growled a name. Bjørn.

Jimi then skittered over to the Charr, "What's yer name?"

"Radandaf." He huffed.

Soon they came to a place. Where it was, Jimi didn't really know. And then, there were wolves made of wood and elements. They were ferocious and mean. Luckily and oddly enough, everyone present had weapons on hand. For Jimi, it was her personalized Pepperbox. A 6 barrelled hand pistol with magical capabilities and engravings of names on it. And her trust work hammer, which also doubled as a good weapon too, was on her side for use later.

The battle against the wooden wolves was hard but that wasn't the worst of it. It was when the wolves began to merge into the world's most terrifying creature. An elder dragon. It held all aspects which made it ridiculously strong. So strong in fact, that it made Radandaf an ice statue. And it was coming for Jimi next. A sense of fear fill poor Jimi. It was a feeling she was all too familiar with. But it felt more present then ever and that she had been through something like it before. She screamed out as the attack started towards her. She shut her eyes waiting for the hit. Nothing came. Instead, the Norn, Hakon, was blocking the blast with his shield.

He turned to Jimi, "Are you alright?"

All Jimi could do was nod. No one had ever risked life and limb for her. Perhaps her Uncle. But a complete stranger? She quickly shook her head when she realized that they were all still in the middle of a battle. She joined back in and eventually they triumphed over the accursed amalgamation. It began to glow with a remarkable light and then there was a cracking egg and then, white.

Jimi awoke to a still darkened room in the smallest hours of the morning. She breathed heavily, as if running narrowly a mile or so. She tried to recall what exactly transpired in her dream but those thoughts were soon overtaken by an overwhelming feeling of nausea. Jimi quickly tried to look for a bucket, a basket, anything to contain her sick. But just as she sat up, she vomited and it got all over herself and her bed. The light of a candle came into view and the smithy saw poor Jimi puking her guts out.

"Good lord. Are you alright Ms. Mecca?" The smithy asked in concern.

Jimi looked entirely embarrassed despite her now greenish complexion, "I'm so so sorry sir... I'm afraid my dream got me wo-"

Before the poor girl could finish the sentence, another wave of nausea hit her and she quickly puked out of the window to avoid more of a mess. The kindly smithy held back her hair. This was turning out to be an eventful start of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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